Saturday, August 22, 2015

Praise Report! Our 2016 Summer Plans are Finalized!! Whoooop!

Monarch Butterfly on Bright Flowers: Photo by Debbie Clement
This incredible butterfly moment was captured on my iPhone this week! 

Did you read the announcement earlier this summer where we sold our summer home of the last ten years? Yes. It was completely and TOTALLY UNexpected. We didn't have it on the market. Within a couple weeks, we were all moved out.... and it belongs to a new owner. 

More than one person has expressed some concern over where we might end up, how we could get through a summer without Door County cherries and sunsets. 

Last month. I stood in line to enter the Plein Air Festival final show. 

Right behind me came the owner of Fine Line Art Gallery. 
My favorite on the peninsula. 
She asked about my summer. 

I told her about selling our place. 
She asked me about our plans for next summer. 

I told her we would start a search. 
She says, "We just bought the little ranch house on our property..... 
and we need to find someone to rent it for next season."


Yup. Simple as that. YUP. 

The whole circle of selling our place and finding our new setting? 

Simple as that! 

 "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him." Lamentations 3:25-26 

 The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”   Nahum 1:7

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”   Proverbs 3:5 

The part of this puzzle coming together, literally in a wink and a blink? The FULL circle cycle? The part that truly is AM.A.ZING?!?!


My first picture book? The inspiration for my use of quilts as illustrations? 

A handful of you may know.............. The Fine Line Gallery had a display of contemporary quilts hanging OVER A DECADE AGO that literally took my breath away. I walked in. The rest is history. In fact I cite that quilt artist in the end notes of my book! 

Next summer WE will spend the entire season on the grounds! 

Yes. There are professional gardens. 
Yes. There is a pond with water lilies. 
Yes. There are dozens of kinetic wind sculptures. 
Yes. We will have three bedrooms!
Yes. I know that we are blessed. 


This is a week when I am especially grateful for your prayers wrapped around our extended family. THANK YOU! 

The prayer of a good person has a power effect. Scripture quote at RainbowsWithinReach