Monday, June 29, 2015

#TeacherFriends First Anniversary CELEBRATION + Prize Palooza!

Milestones provide a moment to reflect on all of the growth and development that have come before as well as provide an opportunity to celebrate all the potential on the horizon. We have reached the first anniversary of our "Practice Chat" on Twitter! Who'd a thunk it? Time for a par-tay. 

A year ago, I was convinced that teachers would benefit from a supportive, warm/fuzzy hashtag that would encourage 'newbies' {we used to call them Twitter-Virgins} to tiptoe into the cybersphere for professional development and support. Shazam! I had no idea. I thought we'd gather for an hour. Once. 

Those first couple dozen participants had such fun that they begged me to moderate a week later. So there were two very informal chats in a row where I moderated with soft lobbed tweets and TCV's {Twitter Chat Virgins} learned to include our hashtag in each response. Bazinga. Game on! Support and motivation!!!

From that VERY first week I had the behind-the-scenes support of Maggie at "Maggie's Kinder Corner" and Kristen of "Kristen's Kindergarten" acting as hostess helpers. From the very beginning Kim Vij of "Educators Spin on It" jumped in with her insight and experience at Storify, to archive our time together! For fifty-two weeks we have collaborated. For fifty-two weeks we have worked together: YEAH TEAM! Hat tip! Hat tip! Hat tip! 

Almost immediately I realized that we couldn't just 'tweet amongst ourselves' and keep the chat vital and healthy. LIGHTBULB moment! Have a guest take the spotlight! 

#TeacherFriend factoid. Our first guest was Barbara Greuner sharing the excitement of her newly released book on Character Development. She was a hit! The concept was a winner! We've had FIFTY guests since then! Dignitaries and peers! Bloggers and celebrities! Available at a click! 

Tomorrow night, the speed is likely to be something similar to lightening. 
Just sayin'...... 
So I thought it would help you keep up with things 
if you knew the questions ahead of time. 
Think of this as an "open-book-chat." 

The only thing you have to remember is to use our hashtag: 

in every tweet.... so that we can see you!

There are soooooooo many prizes this week! 

Every week we have a Google Doc that is tweeted live beginning at 8:30. 

You need to go TO the Google Doc and enter your contact info. 


There are still more prizes!!!! 

I will keep uploading them all night long! 

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