Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wobble Seats NOW Available via Donors Choose

14" yellow Kid Size Wobble Seat + a 4 year old. 10" red Toddler chair + a 2 year old. 


It is indeed possible to create a project with the goal of obtaining funding for 
You asked for it! 

What? You haven't heard me go on about my appreciation for WOBBLES? They are an amazing alternative seating choice, that allow for movement! 
I have one at my own desk!
Wobble Seat now distribute by RainbowsWithinReach
I liked them so much, that my hubby built me a website so that we could distribute them and get them into the hands of students that would appreciate the flexibility! 
So when you go to Wobble you are visiting 'my/our' site!!! 
{He takes care of all of the orders.}

First step for Wobbles as a project at Donors Choose:
 I've begun to connect the dots to straighten out the process. I have communicated to and I have heard back from them! There is a way on their site to orchestrate purchasing via a "Special Request" vendor. The only 'trick' is that a teacher must have accumulated at least 6 points with before a Special Request vendor project can be initiated. 

I am told that points are earned by following up with Thank you communication and documentation for previously funded projects. When you have 6 points and are ready to begin, here's the direct link to the info below.

So once you have earned your six points, and you're ready to move forward to procure your Wobble Seats, I would be VERY grateful if you would select 'us' as your Special Vendor! 

Award Winning Wobble Seat now available Directly through RainbowsWithinReach

I know that the first question people have is, 
"What size do you think I should order?" 

These are first graders on the 14" Kid Wobble. 
Obviously, kids of differing heights fit slightly differently.

This next collage features two of our very own WonderPeeps. 
So I know EXACTLY how old/how tall they are by comparison to their peers. 

The green Wobble below is 18" (the 'teen' size.) 
The yellow choice below is 14" (the 'kid' size.)

Wobble Seats in Action with Boys via RainbowsWithinReach

I've labeled this next close-up photo with the grade level 
of our WonderBoys and their relative heights.

Hopefully that helps and can act as a reminder,
when you are on the Wobble website and looking at heights.

The very first person to ever purchase a Wobble Seat from us shares her thoughts below. Straight from the insight of a pediatric OT!

Wobble Seat: "Stools" that ROCK as you Sit! Great for Kinesthetic Kids! at RainbowsWithinReach