Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday Teachers TwitterChat: Supporting Parents of Challenging Students

Today's TUESDAY! 
That means time to PRACTICE our Twitter Chat Skills! 

Tonight we have a topic close to all the heart of all my #TeacherFriends: 

Supporting parents! 
Supporting parents of Challenging Kids! 

Tonight as our #GuestEduCelebrity 
we have Bill Corbett in the spotlight!
Be sure that you are following him on Twitter! 

Bill wears MANY hats. 
He speaks regularly on a whole range of topics, 
but the 'parenting' subject is the one drawing his largest audiences. 

Tonight he will be giving away a recording of his lecture,
"Creating Cooperative Kids: 
Love, Limits & Lessons." 

All you have to do is to enter our Google Doc with your info. 
That doc will be tweeted at 8:30 and regularly through out the evening's chat and once entered you will be eligible for ALL prizes being awarded tonight. 

Just a reminder. 
If you are 'new' to Twitter and or chatting on Twitter, 
I would suggest that you arrive EARLY, beginning at 8:30 PM EST.
There will be several of us available in the wings 
to help you navigate our visiting-chatting together. 
I use TweetDeck and make a 'column' for our chat,
using the hashtag #TeacherFriends for navigation. 

Here's the outline of our spotlight guests from now until Thanksgiving. 
Make note. 
Mark your calendars. 

We do archive each chat session. 
That allows you to read back through all of the helpful insight being shared -- at your leisure!