Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October First: Pink, Tshirts, Surviving & Breast Cancer

Breast cancer survivor, hope, breast cancer walk t-shirt

October has returned. The sea of pink washes in. 
I am now 7.5 years into my pink journey. 

A lot happens in 7.5 years. 
I am a very fortunate person.
I am surviving. 

Despite a second diagnosis of Early Stage Breast Cancer, 
my story continues. 

My Komen t-shirt from 2010 made a recent reappearance on FB. 
I promised my sistahs that I would find the shirt, 
and answer some questions.

This is the back of my t-shirt from 2010. 
I've been able to track that much down from my blog article. 

The names on the back are those of my friends at Breast Cancer dot ORG. 
Fellow survivors below the logo. 

Angels above. 

Truth of the matter? 
There are more than a few who have earned their angel wings
 since printing their names on my shirt.
Time marches on. 
Are we any closer to THE cure? 

Scrolling over the photos and seeing some one now in heaven
brings me back to reality. 

I am indeed fortunate. 
Early stage. 

I still have the shirt.
There is still room at the bottom to add more names. 
There are always more names.
There are more and more names.  

That's me by the way. 
I was fifty when I was diagnosed. 
Do the math. 
Five of our seven grand-children were born since my first diagnosis.
That's a lot of life and love that I have been graced to experience.  

The shirt below is the one that I am wearing today. 
In honor of Pinktober.
I think that it has the best message ever. 
The depth of the black is all too appropriate. 

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