Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Twitter Tuesday PRACTICE Chat: Critical Thinking with Jen Jones

Twitter PRACTICE Chat Continues!

We have safely migrated from northern WI to tropical FL! 
We arrived last night: 
swapped our pine trees for our palm trees. 

Exciting news? 
{our cable TV? not-so-much} 
Of the two, I'm MOST delighted to be connected to my 
in time for our weekly chat, tonight! 

I personally will have to shift time-zones to participate now. 
Here's the quick reference map. 
We begin weekly, officially at 9:00. 
*At 8:30 we start with newbies who want additional support.
We have #TeacherFriends who pop in at 8:30, for whom the hour exceeds their bed-time, too! 

Like an 'open-house' the lights are on, the welcome mat extended and come when you are able. 

Our guest tonight is the famous Jen Jones of "HELLO" fame. 
She will focus the chat on the topic of her excellence: 


Isn't it *AMAZING* that what was born from a desire to help 'connect' teachers to each other and familiarize all of us with the power of the Twitter network, would grow into this powerful and incredible and ever-growing chat? 

It is somewhat 'counter-intuitive' that what was born to help support newbies has grown so much, that the speed of the actual chat is now at a lightning pace.... which can totally 'drown' the newbie. 

I know. I know. Who knew? 

The best news is that we have an archive version for you to read at your leisure. 

Here's last week's chat, where the spotlight was on DIFFERENTIATION. 
You can read and click through to all of the links! 

Big shout out to Kim from "Educator's Spin on It" for her editing powers! 

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