Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twitter PRACTICE Chat on Differentiated Instruction!


We continue to learn a *LOT* about Twitter together! 
We continue with new 'authorities' in the spotlight each week. 

This week we invite Marsha McGuire to share her expertise on: 
Differentiated Instruction. 

***Double check the map. 
This week I'll be in the Eastern Time Zone. 
I'll have to keep pinching myself to remember! 

Here's our line up for the coming several weeks! Mark your calendars now...... I hope that you're as impressed as I am as to the caliber of our upcoming #GuestEduCelebrities! Each will be sharing from their unique perspective and expertise. ALL while we learn to connect with one another! 

Marsha has a GREAT article on the basics from her perspective. 

I know that she'd be grateful if you come to support her! 

If you've been with us for a while now, 
this article may be just the type you're looking for: 
"10 Twitter Hacks to Help you Rethink your Social Voice." 

Last week was Dr. Danny Brassell.............
You can still read the storify version of the entire chat. 
[That's our archive of the entire conversation.] 

It would behoove you to check to see how you can still 'earn' his newest book, 

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