Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday Twitter PRACTICE Chat with HeidiSongs: ADHD Support

#TeacherFriends Practice Chat w Heidi Butkus @HeidiSongs via RainbowsWithinReach


We are learning together. 
We are supporting each other. 
We are stretching boundaries. 
We are making new #TeacherFriends!!! 

This week there's something special getting created!
Heidi of Heidi Songs is honing in on the topic of ADHD. 

We are guiding the chat in a very specific, concrete direction. 
It is certain to be of MONUMENTAL help to classroom teachers! 

PLUS there are PRIZES!!!

"Official" Kickoff is at 9 PM EST!*****

*****I launched this effort mid-summer, in the hopes of luring some non-Twitter people into the Twitter fold. I thought it would be supportive to call it a 'PRACTICE' chat and therefore take some of the edge and pressure off. They liked it! They LIKED it! We continue to call it a PRACTICE chat -- which is a tad counter-intuitive for the pace of the thing these days. 

HOWEVER!!!!!!!!! If you arrive as an "EarlyBird" beginning at 8:30 EST, we will be there to specifically support your learning curve and offer encouragement. We have recently decided that it is important to reward the EarlyBird Newbies and will be giving some digital prizes BEFORE the chat begins at 9:00. EXTRA INCENTIVE! Your odds are VERY good! 

Heidi has been HARD at work explaining her own Twitter curve of learning. See her thoughts here. She has chosen a Top 10 Kinder Tweep List. It was sweet of her to give me an honorary mention {since I don't teacher kindergarten.} 

She has also written an extensive article on #ADHD in preparation for our chat tonight. You can get a sneak peak of her thoughts in her article to prepare for chatting with Heidi in person. 

photo of: VISUAL Learning: Cues, Supports and Systems

I have a collaborative PinBoard for Special Needs that is also very supportive and FILLED with links of interest. There are already over 1000  classified for your support! My own article RoundUP of dozens of 'visual' learning supports for the classroom and beyond are gathered into this article

Set your alarm clock! Make plans. Order a pizza! Join us! Learn! 

As if that isn't sufficiently amazing. 
We are entering into an awesome era! 
Heidi made the connection from our chat to ESGI

ESGI has offered to become an official SPONSOR of our chat! 
This week they will be giving away an ANNUAL membership to their software program. 
{Retail value of $199.00!!!} 

To enter to win the EarlyBird Prizes AND the official chat prizes, 
you will need to enter your info into the Google doc that will be tweeted through out the chat. 
{you only need to enter your contact info one time to qualify for ALL prizes!}

Here's the best news of all! 
We archive each weekly chat!!!

Did you miss the amazing insight last week on Critical Thinking? 
You can follow the chat at your leisure and click through to the links at your own speed. 


Let me just *PROMISE* you that you'll want to come back here to get in on all of the specifics for THE BIG REVEAL! TALK ABOUT PRIZES!!!! This whole week is gonna be BONZO! 

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