Sunday, August 10, 2014

What Teachers Wish Parents Said to Their Child (Night Before School)

What Teachers Wish Parents Said to Their Child (the night before school starts) via RainbowsWithinReach

SCHOOL is STARTING! In more + more districts!
Can you feel the pulse of your favorite teacher beginning to race? Ever faster? 

I thought it would be fun to ask some of my favorite teachers what they *WISH* parents were saying to their children -- the night before school begins. Here. In the order folks responded are their 'unedited' teacher-responses. From profound, to nitty-gritty, including the pithy and the tongue-in-cheek, with everything in between! 

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"You totally are ready for this. You are going to have a great time and make so many new friends. Remember to listen to your teacher she/he is there to keep you safe and help you learn. I know that you will listen carefully so you can show the other kids how kindergarteners behave on the first day of school. And no matter what, if you have to go to the bathroom and you think you're going to have an accident..... just go. Your teacher won't be mad and she/he doesn't want you to have an acci
dent." ~~from Marsha at "A Differentiated Kindergarten"

Reading Begins with the Child's Name!

"School is going to be so much FUN! You are going to love (insert name of grade)! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home!" ~~From Vanessa at "PreK Pages"

Visual Schedule using real photos instead of pictos

"You'll have so much fun!!Try not to be nervous and know that I will be thinking about you all day long! Listen to your teacher, be nice to your friends and be prepared to tell me all about your adventures when you get home!! I love you. ~~ From Elizabeth at "Mrs. Hodge and Her Kindergarten Kids" 

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"Your teacher love you just like mommy and daddy love you. If you need help you can ask your teacher. You will have an awesome day and I'll see you soon! Try to be the best you can be so that other kids will copy you doing good things!" + the bathroom part like Marsha said! ~~ Laura Armstrong of Teacher Laura 

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"You have nothing to prove.... you are more than school. We love you and believe in you." ~~ Becky from my FB fanpage

Reading Begins with the Child's Name! 
"Assure them that their feelings are normal and ok." ~~ Jennifer from my FB fanpage

Student files

"If you are going to throw up find a trash can." ~~ Matt from MattBGomez He later added: "This quote is a great one, 'You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.' -Christopher Robin."

***Matt is our Mystery #GuestEduCelebrity during our weekly Tuesday Twitter-for-PRACTICE-newbie-Chatters. He will be directing the tweeps in a chat on all things TECHNOLOGY in the classroom! Plan now to join us! 9:00 PM EST! True newbies are encouraged to come at 8:30 when the chat is slowest. Join us on August 12th. Leave your glitter in the drawer. 

Anchor Charts: Organize your Collection

Now back to the teacher advice for parents!

"Remember to go potty when the teacher tells you to." ~~ Jennifer of "Teaching with Grace"

welcome wreath for school, crayon wreath, Pinterest image, Pinterest permission

"You can do this....all by yourself. Then smile and wave (after a hug and a kiss.) Then turn around and walk away. Parents never let your kids see you cry as they head off to kindergarten." ~~Terri of "KinderKapers"

Reading Begins with the Child's Name!

"You are ready for this! Think of school as your second home and your teacher just like your mommy. She is there for you if you need anything! Have a fun day and enjoy it!!" ~~ Cheryl of "Crayons and Curls" 

Kindergarten First Name Mosaics with Construction Paper via RainbowsWithinReach

"Your teacher is so excited to see you and has wonderful learning activities planned for you. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home!" ~~MaryLou from my FB fanpage

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"Asking a child how they are feeling about starting school, provides the parent with the child's perspective on what the child may be worried or excited about. Acknowledging whatever that feeling is would be a very supportive way to help a child be ready for the first day." ~~ Deborah at BrainInsights

Hand Painted

"You are going to have so much fun and learn so much! Be sure to do your very best, show your teacher what you already know and don't worry if you don't know something, your teacher will help you. If your teacher doesn't tell you where the bathroom is at the beginning of class, ask where it is and what you should do if you need to go. Remember to share and to smile!"
 ~~ Melissa at "Transitional Kinder with Mrs.O" She later added: "The number one thing I want parents to tell their child is who will be picking them up/how they will be getting home. Also if the child can't say their last name and you can't be with them that first day PLEASE write their full name on a card and pin it to them."

1st grade

"Be the very best you, YOU can be! It is okay to have all kinds of feelings. We are in this together. Listen carefully to your teacher and all the adults in the school. They will help you. Don't be afraid to ask questions about things you aren't sure about. I/we are very proud of you." ~~ Principal Peggy, retired

"I love all of the above." ~~ Deanna of "Mrs. Jump's Class"

Great anchor chart for introducing classroom rules at the beginning of the year after reading the book - "No! David"

"Be yourself! Be happy! Have fun! RESPECT the teacher and your classmates! LAUGH! DANCE! Do the very best that you can everyday! ~~ Greg of "Kindergarten Smorgasboard" 

Cute bulletin board

"Your teacher will take care of you. Mommy and Daddy trust her/him to take good care of you. He or she will know how to get a hold of me if they need to. You will meet many new friends and do a lot of fun things with them at school."........ Try to give your child some type of measurement in regard to how long the school day will be. For instance, if your child is only going to school for a half day, then measure it against the lunchtime. 

I am a kindergarten teacher and I find that when parents spend too much time talking about 'not worrying' about who will pick them or up or not worrying about who will play with them at school or not worrying about how nice their teacher will be, those are the children that spend the day being worried. Their parents gave them way too many things to consider worrying about by doing this. Perhaps a good idea would be to get the book, 'The Kissing Hand' from the library and read it to them at home the night before. It is ok if the teacher reads it again the next day at school, it wil be something familiar for the child. If a parent is confident in dropping off the child and pointing out all the fun things about the morning and then leaves quickly, the student has a chance to become engaged immediately and the day will swim by. A hug and a quick 'I love you' go a long way."  ~~ Christina of "Sea Bears Kindergarten"  

RainbowsWithinReach: 200+ Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"You are going to have so much fun, make new friends and have lots of adventures. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Your teacher is there to help you and wants you to be (emotionally comfortable and secure." Ayn of "Little Illuminations" To the parent I would give this advice: Don't linger or let the child see YOU having separation anxiety. If you seem worried that the child won't fit in, they will sense it. Also especially the first several days: don't be late for pickup!!!! Give your child a plan of when you pick them up. Stick to the plan. Last but not least, talk positively about the school, classroom teacher etc. Help your child discover school as a positive place. Ask them each day what their favorite thing about the day was or to name something new or exciting that happened to them that day. 

Bulletin board

"Have the best day ever and have super fun!!" This is something I told my daughter every day last year when she was in kindergarten and "I love you!" ~~ Tami from FB Fanpage

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"Ask your teacher if she/he can play some Rocking Dan Teacher Man songs on YouTube." ~~ Dan of "Rocking Dan Teacher Man" [Note from Editor: applause for shameless promotion from DownUnder, only because my bucket list includes a trip to YOU! BRAVO!!! LOL]


"I love you and I will come back. Remember school is different than home -- use your restroom breaks." ~~ Jada of "Daisy Days for Learning" 

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"I am going to drop you off at the door and leave. Understand?" ~~ Emily, "Education to the Core"

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

"Stay and play and I will come back to get you at the end of the day." Simple but to the point. ~~ Emma of "Clever Classroom"

.Names for their alphabet journals

I have to admit, I saved my favorite insight till last. This is my favorite suggestion, not because she brown-nosed me into it. I think her suggestion has TRUE potential to make an impact. Of course we music-people need to stick together! Here's what Miss Carole {of Macaroni Soup fame} has to offer....

"I suggest singing something positive at bedtime -- put a positive little tune in their heads that can surface at any moment the next day! Make one up! 'I can do this, yes I can, yes I can, yes I can. I can do this, yes I can, my mom said so!' To the tune of London Bridge!" ~~ Miss Carole 

200  Back to School Bulletin Boards and Decorated Classroom Doors!

What's your favorite? 
Do you have additional suggestions?
By all means leave a comment below! 

Please pin this image, in the hopes that others will learn from those that have shared.   

What Teachers Wish Parents Said to Their Child (the night before school starts) via RainbowsWithinReach

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Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Homeschooler -

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