Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother's Day Keepsake: Poem for Photo Opportunity on Card

Mother's Day Poem for Keepsake Card via RainbowsWithinReach

Mother's Day Card in Kindergarten: CUTE Rhyme for Mom! 

Is it ironic to anyone else that Teacher's Appreciation Week is at the end of the year, when everyone is under The.Most.Pressure.Ever. To further compound the stress, teachers are somehow 'in charge' of creating the keepsakes for moms across the country all in the same week? Did you know that among some teachers there is pressure to come up with the-cutest-possible project? 

We are bunked in with our WonderPeeps this week. Look what came home in Mr. Eyelashes book bag this afternoon! Too cute not to share in-real-time! I don't know who to credit for the clever rhyme inside his Mother's Day card. This one is 'new' to me, which makes it that much more delightful!!!

Mother's Day Rhyme: Poem for Mother's Day Card with Photo via RainbowsWithinReach

If you are still searching for something special, you have just enough time to get this printed out for your sweethearts. Then make up some awesome tissue paper flowers. Easier still? Grab up some silk flowers for the bouquet. Snap up the pictures and VOILA!!

Is it just me or is he suddenly looking more and more like a first grader?  

Mother's Day Rhyme: Poem for Mother's Day Card with Photo via RainbowsWithinReach

Last year about this time I made a Mother's Day RoundUP where I gathered up all of the previous Mother's Day cards, rhymes, gifts, keepsakes and even a Mother's Day anchor chart. You need to hurry, because there's a LOT in that one!!! 

Mother's Day RoundUP of Resources: Bloghop + LInkie at RainbowsWithinReach

Just last week I put together an overview of the Top 10 Reasons 
Preschoolers LOVE their Moms! 

The artwork is too stunning for words! 

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