Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Resilient Birthday to MOI!


It has been an incredible year! 
This was my GOLDEN year.
All last year? I was 56 and born in '56! YIPPEE!!!

So now we're on into the uncharted territory BEYOND Gold! 
What comes next? 

This has been an amazing year! 

Certainly VEGAS was a professional highlight. 
Getting to meet so many of my cyber friends --
all at the same time? 
My all time favorite YouTube video, FAVE of all time, was captured in Vegas. 
A special thanks to Piggy 5 @ #JonCanDance for the BIG ending! 

{{{and this my friends is why you need to get on Twitter
and join Monday night, 9 P.M. twitter chat on the hashtag: 
so that your world expands!}}}

This has been a year of many firsts!

This was the year when every child in kindergarten received a copy of my second picture book, 
"Tall Giraffe." 

Yes. I felt like Santa-Oprah! 
It was an incredible feeling to hand every child my book:
To. Keep. For. EVER! 
Special thanks to #HeatherPulledThatRabbitOuttaHerHat!
You MUST see the incredible artwork created 
in anticipation of my arrival. 

It was also the year I got my own little mini-me! 

Thanks to #Nancy'sGotMadSkills

I can see from my Pinterest analytics that this next image is apparently THE most pinned image from all of my school visits of the last year.

Many thanks to Amber of KindergartenRocks for the most instantaneous school visit ever
created as I'm driving through a new area code! 

Next time the pie-is-on-me! 

And this image is the most 'seasonal' pin-worthy apparently. 

Winter Art Project: Snowman in a Snow Globe via RainbowsWithinReach

Running neck-and-neck with this anchor chart. 

Alas. My birthday reflection and celebration is directly in the midst of the anniversary tomorrow for the observation of the unthinkable at Sandy Hook Elementary. How fast a year travels in that regard. There are indeed angels in heaven -- all too prematurely. There are many in the blogging community ~~ and the world at large, who are gathered around the concept of doing acts of kindness this weekend in honor of those same angels. 

What holiday cheer could you spread in your community -- and dedicate your efforts to the fallen children and their amazing teachers and the educators who stepped up to protect the innocent? Each good deed adds to the collection of light being spread in their honor. 

I promise to get back here and add the links. 
Right now we're running out the door. 
Time for my Kinder-appearance for the WonderTwins and their 150 best friends! 

Happy birthday to me! 

Pay it forward, folks.