Sunday, August 18, 2013

"You're Wonderful" INDEED! Children's Kinder Art Response

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

The Power of Affirmation: "You're Wonderful" 

The power of the educational blogging community is immense and just beginning to evolve and grow into the mega-force that will emerge over the coming years. I am just beginning to scratch the surface of this power. What a thrill that I am moving in the direction of connectedness! The lead-off artwork today is from a fellow blogger. A kindergarten teacher that I have never met. A kindred spirit for certain. Behold the work of the children of 'KinderKay' at "Love Those Kinders." 

   Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement  Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

"You're Wonderful" is one of the very first songs that I ever wrote and was recorded on my very first CASSETTE TAPE! {Yes, I'm dating myself. Raise your hand if you ever attempted to use cassette tapes in the classroom. How amazing the technological advancements. Marvel on.}  

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement   Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

It's the simplest of all my simple songs, "You're Wonderful." 

There are six words of affirmation that are repeated in each of six verses. Simple. Repetitive. Powerful. Tear generating. Evocative. Moving. Simple. Expressive. Mindful. Resonate. Simple. Eloquent. Touching. Articulate. Vivid. Striking. Simple. Soulful. Empathic. Spirited. Descriptive. Emotional. Forceful. Suggestive. Meaningful. Simple. 

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement   Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

Some day I'll have to write a book about all the 'stories' you've told me about how my song has been used to transform and inspire your students, your parents and yes, your community. That would be a book worth writing, indeed. Simple works. Simple works in kindergarten. Simple works with children. You know what? There is no 'shelf life' on affirmation. Turns out that 'simple' also works with early elementary. 

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement   

I was told by a junior high teacher of pre-algebra that there is no 'shelf life' on self esteem. She purchased my picture book version of "You're Wonderful" for her mature students. She looked me straight in the eye and said, "These are the most important words I can give my tween-agers. There is no shelf life on self esteem. These are the words they need. I'll use your quilted illustrations as a springboard for our math studies, but what I want them to hear are these words of affirmation." 

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement   Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

KinderKay used my song last spring with her K-kiddos as their end-of-the-year program performance. Kindergarten graduation if you will. These self-portraits were created with complete kinder joy and given to the parents as their end of the year gift. 

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement   Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

When I received the link to this work? I was in tears. They are glorious beyond description. The old elementary art teacher in me rejoices at this project. At the outcome. At the work. At the results. At the process. At the variation. At the originality. At the learning involved. At the complexity. At the boldness. At the color. At the use of materials. At the simplicity. At the treasured conclusion. 

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement   Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

This work truly is a demonstration of Arts Integration. It's taking AI to an absolutely brilliant level of sophistication as a result of KinderKay's insight and experience. Self esteem indeed. Affirmation personified. This work is indeed excellence in education. I couldn't have designed a more fitting response to my song and picture book myself. 

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement   Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement

This is the power of the internet. This is the power of educational blogging. This is the power of things to come. This is the power of me getting connected. This is the power of my going 'digital' and long ago of leaving the cassettes behind, now having the ability to leave the CDs in their shrinkwrap and now being able to 'zap' a fellow educator a zipped file to be used in a heartbeat.  

Kindergarten Self-Portraits in Response to picture book & song "You're Wonderful" by Debbie Clement
Bulletin Board of Kindergarten Self Portraits in response to "You're Wonderful" 

Yes. It's a song. Yes. It's now a picture book. 

Yes. We took out a loan against our house, a second mortgage so that we could bring these simple words of affirmation into book format. Yes. You've probably never ever heard of me. Yes. This song, this book could be the backbone of your new year at hand. 

Yes. As a result of my giving the keynote at the international gathering of Kinder-teachers in Vegas last month, my picture book of this song is now headed to the NORTH POLE and Saudi Arabia, too! Talk about the amazing power of collaboration! Wish I'd told those teachers to pose their kids 'on location' and send me a photo! 

Here's another earlier peek at a collossal, all school response to "You're Wonderful." This unbelievable backdrop was created for my visit to Long Island, NY to have an author visit with students during the day and parents that evening. 

That's another earlier peek at a collossal, all school response to "You're Wonderful." This unbelievable backdrop was created for my visit to Long Island, NY. The entire student body created this 'quilt' for my author visit with them, the students during the day and parents that evening. 

I would be so grateful for your pin of this incredible response. 
As a self-published author/illustrator, I rely on your word of mouth excitement over my work. 
Your pin sends a ripple to a whole new audience and I am so grateful. 

Thank you for trusting me. I promise you'll be glad you did. 


  1. Debbie, it is so awesome to see all of this kiddo art! You can truly see how much the "message sank in". LOVE IT!
    ❤ Traci
    Dragonflies in First

    1. Absolutely! This artwork is so genuine. It makes me 'welm' up..... the colors. The excitement. The enthusiasm. I am so proud to have been a part of it -- even if I 'wasn't even there.'

      KUDOS to teachers like Cindy who do amazing things!


  2. I just love you! And I've never met you! I teach preschool in Georgia and you are going to be a keynote speaker at a conference in Atlanta this December. I've decided that if my director won't send me (she probably will only pay for the kindergarten teacher to go) I am paying myself just so I can see you in action! Your ideas are simply wonderful and the best part is the enthusiasm that you present them with! Today was my first day back at class with my kiddos or Chickadees as I affectionately call them. Reading this post put tears in my eyes and made my heart beat faster just thinking of my sweet little class and all of the amazing learning we have to look forward to this year! Thanks Debbie for presenting your love of learning in such a fantastic way!

    1. Misty, Misty, Misty. You're making me misty, I tell you. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop through with your enthusiasm and energy. I am so grateful for your support! I'm so excited about Atlanta! It will be here in a heartbeat! Please come up and introduce yourself and let me know that you're my Misty!



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