Saturday, March 9, 2013

Exciting Weekend Ahead! Kinder-Collaboration

Happy Saturday! 
This is BIG weekend for me! 

In real-time, I am giving workshops this morning for North-Central Florida's AEYC! Due to the amazing power of Google blogger scheduling, I can share with you from here -- while I'm over there. 

My favorite development to emerge over the last year is the support that emerges from other bloggers. Brainstorming. Buddies. Behind the scenes there is a group of Kinderland Kindergarten-related bloggers who are working together to support each other's efforts. With that goal in mind, we each have a partner for this weekend -- to collaborate, to share, to encourage! 

Maggie's kinder corner
Maggie's Kinder Corner

Today is just a teaser, to give me a chance to get organized and pull together a super spotlight for my dear mentor, guide and fellow creative heart, Maggie Hufstedler known most as the author of 
Tomorrow I'm going to spotlight her amazing creativity at length. 

The group of us, 'Kinderlanders' are going to co-host a sale of our products over at Teachers Pay Teachers for the next couple of days. Our way of supporting you and supporting each other in the process. 

By all means come join in our Google+ Kinderland Community. 

-- Debbie --

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -
I now have 200+ followers!

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely giddy as I listen to your marvelous tunes! I am just now realizing you have Fine Motor Songs!!! Whaatttt!!! That really makes my mind race! Oh the possibilities! Thank you for the shout out!


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