Wednesday, March 27, 2013

An Easter Gift: "God Did" Mp3


I have an Easter gift for you. 
"God Did" is now in a new zipped file with an Mp3!
Stay tuned to receive your free Easter edition.   
Today is a day of transition for us.
It's also a day of reflection and gift giving. 

Our snowbird status along the sand has now ended and we must say goodbye to "Uncle Randy's Ocean." To some it may be better known as the Atlantic. To those in our Fiedler-clan, it is "Uncle Randy's." It was dubbed as such by the Wonder-Twinzees last year during their inaugural splash, when he first introduced them, and they have kept that moniker ever since. So have we.

We have literally been counting these final days as though they are the last bits of sand in the hour-glass. Indeed. We have walked daily along the shore and found delight with each intoxicating stroll. Splash and sand. Sparkle and salt. Sweetness. Solitude. Serendipity. Strength. Sustenance. 

I'm easily entertained and am enthralled to watch the waves crash or lap -- whatever the speed du jour entails. Seeing a kite literally-go-sailing overhead makes my day. 

Nothing in all of my beach romping prepared me for our communion during the 'Pelican Parade.' That day was one of grayness, shade-upon-shade and variations of mono-chrome, when we went out zipped into windbreakers and the sand had a sting. 

Walking south Allen pointed out a short column of pelicans as they flew past us, arriving over our shoulders and seemingly headed to Miami or beyond. I smiled, grabbing my camera much too late. Like a child I called to them, long after they'd passed, "Come back, I'm ready now." Honest to goodness. Against all odds they made a U-turn in unison! And then the most unbelievable thing happened. They were joined by friends. 

For about ten minutes we were observers of the most incredible pelican pageant  ever witnessed on the planet. Right over our heads those first few were joined by dozens and dozens of their Pelican peers. Swooping and cavorting. Sometimes headed out to sea, but coming back to us again and again. Pelicans in precision returning to us. It was like doing that Jr. High Grand March when we'd circle the gym by twos, then fours, then eights, then sixteen wide and then eights and fours to start all over again. Not the Virginia Reel exactly, but orchestrated. 

They peeled and careened. Sometimes in sectionals, sometimes as a POD. (I looked that term up; thank you Google.) I was squealing and clicking. There was one other couple who came running to join us on our holy spot and he attempted to film the spectacle. My camera batteries expired mid-pomp presentation and I was reduced to tears to watch the conclusion with my heart as the lens. Memories. Sand. Hourglass. Memories. 

[That single picture above has the most pelicans in one pose. I can count 27. Even conservative Allen thinks this was less than half that arrived for the jamboree. What were they doing? Note-to-self: It never hurts to ask the wildlife to come out and play for you. Apparently on occasion they are willing.] 

How many sunny day pictures of a beach am I permitted per article? I have several hundred to choose. 

But back to Easter and your gift. Years back I was inspired by the predecessors of these unending waves to write one of my ditties, entitled "God Did." It's 'more' that a dittie.... it's a full blown song, even an anthem. I wrote it at the time of my third CD. I decided to include it as the final track at that time. 

I virtually never get to teach it at conferences. The subject would not be welcome in many school settings. This winter I had the opportunity to deliver the keynote at both FL and TN UMAP (United Methodist Association of Preschools) and guess what? I taught them "God Did." 

In my imagination I hear it being performed at the end of the Sunday School year with a children's choir backed up by the adult choir. The final coda is something for harmony and a soloist perhaps.... that's how we did it in the recording studio. In a perfect world there would be a cello playing. 

Now that I have a store within Teachers Pay Teachers, I've been oh-so-gradually learning how to create zipped files that include a copy of my song in an Mp3 version. This morning I dusted off the Power-Point slides that I created for the UMAP events. I want to give you this song as my Easter gift. It will be free from now through Sunday night. A simple click will take you directly over to TpT to receive your Easter gift, "God Did." 

After Easter I will charge a nominal fee for your instant download TpT purchase. 

My goal is always to share my work with an ever expanding audience. Legacy. Easter blessings. To that end I launched the collaborative blog, "PreK+K Sharing" a a place for excellence-in-early education. Earlier this year we launched our own Early Education Emporium -- as a shopping experience. I will have it there, after Easter as a FREEBIE for the foreseeable future. This is a thank you to my regular readers for your continued support and encouragement.

The car is packed. The kayak is tied down. The bike is on the back and every square inch of space is filled with our nomadic life. Tomorrow I have a school visit over on the Gulf side and then we will celebrate the Easter weekend with our Denver Clement crew and the four Rocky-Mountain Wonders. 

Wishing you a reflective and joyous weekend. 

 -- Debbie --

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