Sunday, January 20, 2013

100th Day RoundUP of Ideas!

photo of: 100 Day Celebration RoundUP of Inspiration via RainbowsWithinReach

Are you ready? 
Can you feel the excitement building? 
It's about to happen from coast-to-coast! 

100th Day Celebration SUPER FUN!
Let's make your life easier and pull these incredible visuals into one place.
Look at this TOO-clever manner of counting your days. 
(Yup, go ahead, pin it and start planning now for next year.)

Where are you in your official count?
I was in this OH-Kinder room very near the end of last year! 

photo of: 100 Day Party in Kindergarten, Counting Days as School on Paper Clip Chains
Oh-so-Clever "Counting" System for Days at School 

Take a look at this beauty!
Spotted in FL coastal Kinder-closet.
LUV it! LUV it! LUV it!
Do you have a 100 Day Parade?

photo of: 100 Day Party Parade Drum (via 100 Day RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach)

One of my favorite things about making my school visits.......
when teachers start digging in their files and closets to share some special favorites they have stashed away. 

How can you look at this 100 Day homework response and not smile ear-to-ear?
This one is from my dear friend up in Door County, WI. 

photo of: 100 Kindergarten Friends "Homework" (via 100 Day Party Ideas at RainbowsWithinReach)

Next up is a poster from an Indiana hallway. 
Kindergarten student-photos in the ribbons. 
Laminate the finished product. 
Keepsake-to-display at graduation!
Children never tire of seeing their smiles with friends.

photo of: 100 Day Party Poster in 100 Day RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach

These next several images are from South Daytona Beach Elementary's kinder extra-vaganza! 
Their hallway was a veritable showplace of excellence for the Hundredth Day observations. 
Math explorations at every turn.
This bulletin board display is a 'team-work' project. 
Friend A traces friend B's fingers. 
How convenient to have 20 friends for a total of 100 fingers!  

photo of: Counting by 10's at the 100 Day Party RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach

This is a great bulletin board--
combining the 100th Day Celebration with Valentines Day! 
Lotsa love in this display!

photo of: 100 Painted HandPrint Bulletin Board (100 Day RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

Simple always wins points in my book. 
Striking. Simple. Stars. 
Luv the student written labels for each color. 

photo of: 100 Stars Bulletin Board for 100 Day Party (via 100 Day RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach)

Of all my favorite ideas for the 100th celebration, this next one absolutely wins my award for home + school interaction. Everyone gets the same sized zip-lock bag. Family sends in 100 items from home. Science I tell you! Science!!! Compare volume. Compare mass. The finished bulletin board was an absolute wizz-bang winner! How can you go wrong with that much purple in kindergarten? 

photo of: 100 Day "Homework" Assignment Bulletin Board (via 100 Day Party RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach)

Here are some additional 'family' homework assignments to honor the big number 100! From Ohio and Wisconsin. 
photo of: 100 Day Homework Assignment (via 100 Day RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach)
100 Skittle Goodies Displayed on Cardboard
photo of: 100 Day Homework Assignment (via 100 Day RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach)
Homework for the 100th Day Party 
photo of: Kindergarten Collections of 100 Items from Home
Items from Home for 100th Day Celebration

Let's conclude these 100 Day Party Festivities with a couple more bulletin board ideas for the culmination of your studies and celebration. I couldn't even capture all 100 gumballs in this photo. The hallway wasn't wide enough to back up sufficiently, but you get the idea! 

photo of: 100 Day Bulletin Board of 100 Gumballs (via 100 Day RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach)
Bulletin Board of 100 Gumballs for 100 Day Celebration

Get in your time machine and fast forward to a self-portrait of your 100 year old self. Classic. What a great mini-lesson to talk about self-care and making wise choices early in life. Eat your broccoli!

photo of: 100 Year Old Self-Portraits (via 100 Day RoundUP at RainbowsWithinReach)
What We Will Look Like at 100 Years Old Self-Portraits

What's a party without a whopping over-sized pizza? A pizza with 100 toppings would certainly delight your students. Again with the student 'labels' on the masterpiece. Every fine motor - writing experience is a good one in kindergarten! Look below the pizza for the 100 segment caterpillar's beginning. 

photo of: 100 Item Pizza Toppings (100 Day RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)
Pizza with 100 Toppings

Look across the room for the caterpillar's continued journey.
photo of: 100 Segment Caterpillar Display (100 Day RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)
100 Circle Caterpillar for 100 Day Celebration
How do you celebrate this increasingly significant milestone? Does Halmark make 100 Day cards yet? I think there's still room for commercialization of this winter-highlight. 

I hope that my gathering all of these oldies-but-goodies together with my latest photographs gives you some new tangent to explore. Why, yes. I have written and recorded a 100 Day song. It's got an Elvis feel. It's my favorite invite of the year -- to come to your party and teach it. 

Here's the direct link to my 100 Day Pinterest board. There are 189 pins awaiting you over there. This morning I woke up to 88,888 Pinterest followers. Starting the day with a smile is a good thing.

-- Debbie --

photo of: Early Education Emporium: Shopping under one Umbrella

Have you heard the BIG news? We have opened a new shopping opportunity called the Early Education Emporium. It's a gathering place for excellence in products for the youngest. My fellow authors over at PreK+K Sharing are adding new materials all the time. Come join us to shop. Come share your products! 


This post was added to Fluttering  Through First Grade
I've had the great good-fortune of making a school visit to Denise of Sunny in Second Grade. Here's her link.
My SWEET friend Denise! 
And I'm so excited to be a part (even if late) of the TBA blog hop on all things 100 day related.
TBA Party


  1. Love all the ideas! I just posted about the 100th day, and can't wait to put some of these to good use. I'm your newest follower :)

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. Kelly!! Welcome aboard! Can't wait to pop over to your place. Enjoy incorporating these ideas into your fun celebration.


  2. Great ideas! I posted about our 100th Day last year - we had 5 small groups and each got to do their own project. I love how they turned out:
    I'll be doing this again this year, but will add some of the ideas from this post too! Thanks for making our 100th Day even more special!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

    1. Thanks so much for leaving your link, Jennifer. I know that people really work to come up with unique ideas for this occasion. I'm sure they will appreciate having yet additional incentive to make the day special.


  3. Thanks for doing all of the grunt work!!! I usually have my kids draw a picture of themselves for when they are 100. I laughed so hard to see that they made their skin by wrapping up pictures. Lol instant wrinkles!!!

    Thanks again! :-)

    1. You are oh-so-welcome! Having celebrations on the horizon makes the long weeks of winter pass with anticipation! Instant wrinkles: LOL!


  4. Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Tuesday!
    soooo many great ideas!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

    1. Hmmmmmm. Denise. You are amazing to pop through. Sending you a cyber, hug!!!


  5. I LOVE your 100th day Ideas. Ours is the day after we get back from Spring break, on the 25th! There are so many good ideas out there it's going to be SO hard to pick the ones my first graders will have the most fun with.

    Mrs. D @ Reading with Mrs. D


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