Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Classic: Very Hungry Caterpillar

photo of: Very Hungry Caterpillar Art Responses (Via RainbowsWithinReach)

We ended yesterday with tadpoles. Today's life cycle?
Like I promised. Here's a little RoundUP for the classic: 
The circle of life. 

I owe the inspiration for this collection to this first creepy crawlie that I captured while in Texas earlier this month. 
SPEAKING OF CLASSICS.... How cute is this?
Thank you Montgomery, TX for the opportunity to 'work' with your brilliant ones!

photo of: Classic Classroom Caterpillar made out of painted hand prints (via RainbowsWithinReach)
Caterpillar collaboration from a classroom of painted hand-prints. 

What a joy to make my Author-Illustrator school visits and  give a seminar on my approach to the creative Arts -- all while seeing what everyone else is up to. This RAINBOW finished piece is a delightful cooperative effort from little hands. KUDOS! What a welcome!!

This next crawlie-character was on display on the bulletin board in the toddler classroom at Children's Hospital childcare -- some time back in Columbus. Don't you just LUV LUV LUV how the opened-ended individual finger painted projects creep together for this collaboration? Simple always wins! What a great way to create a bulletin board from process Art. Two thumbs up! 

photo of: Individual circles of 'open-ended' paint exploration converted into Very Hungry Caterpillar Bulletin Board (via RainbowsWithinReach)

The following version was on display at my Wonder-Boy's elementary during my visit to their kindergarten collective. He had completed his 'family-homework project' of their creating a butterfly together, as had his peers. You can catch a glimpse of the family-butterflies, fluttering above. 

photo of: Caterpillar Crawls on School Wall in Study of Eric Carle (via RainbowsWithinReach)

How glorious is this teacher created tissue paper example at our Twinzees preschool? Each of these efforts, which ever state of the union, expands on the children's exposure and awareness of Eric Carle's treasure. You know as old Art teacher how much I love these various treatments of the original art.

photo of: Preschool Bulletin Board for Very Hungry Caterpillar (via RainbowsWithinReach)
Bulletin Board for "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" in Preschool 

From tissue paper on a bulletin board to an ENTIRE l-o-n-g elementary school mural. Just how big can you make one caterpillar? This work was absolutely stunning! To see it in person during my two day residency in Clyde, OH at Main Street Elementary brought a smile to my face every single time I passed by this monumental and permanent exhibit. This is why we call the original a classic. There are so many possible possibilities and variations on the theme. 

photo of: School Wall Mural of Very Hungry Caterpillar Characters (via RainbowsWithinReach)

NOW. Take a LOOK AT THESE BEAUTIES!! They were creeping and crawling in the hallways up in Taylor, MI. Construction paper strips. My favorite part? Take a look at those faces! Look at the eyes. Each one as personal as the young artist's own interpretation, yet you know instantly the inspiration for the 'craftivity.'

photo of: Construction Paper Crawling Caterpillars (via RainbowsWithinReach)

photo of: Construction Paper Chain Caterpillar in Kindergarten (via RainbowsWithinReach

photo of: Kindergarten Caterpillar Craftivity for Hungry Caterpillar (via RainbowsWithinReach)

photo of: Kindergarten Caterpillar Craftivity for Hungry Caterpillar (via RainbowsWithinReach)

Now back to WonderBoy's hallway in Pataskala for a look at their writing/drawing projects on display complete with three dimensional caterpillars. Are you appreciating all of the many ways that a picture book's life can be extended across your curriculum?

photo of: Kindergarten Writing on "Very Hungry Caterpillar (via RainbowsWithinReach)
"On Monday my caterpillar ate 1 watermelon." 

photo of: Kindergarten Writing on "Very Hungry Caterpillar (via RainbowsWithinReach)
"On Monday my caterpillar ate Pizza." 
photo of: Kindergarten Writing on "Very Hungry Caterpillar (via RainbowsWithinReach)

Here's a close-up of the over-sized chenille caterpillar with  pipe cleaner embellishment. When you're in kindergarten and your writing project morphs into three dimensions? You've got to believe you're the big cheese. 

photo of: Kindergarten Writing for "Very Hungry Caterpillar" via RainbowsWithinReach

In my continuing Fine Motor Friday series, I'm always harping  encouraging handwritten examples by the teachers. This anchor chart is a great example of a story emerging over time. Science. Documenting the process. Handwriting. (Student/above + Teacher/below!!) Picture book. Woven seamlessly together.
photo of: Anchor Chart with Caterpillar Observations (via RainbowsWithinReach)
Anchor CHART in Kindergarten!!!

Now for the GRAND finale. I'm really big on BIG endings. That's how I orchestrate my original children's songs. Build it, build it, build it: TA DA! Look at these amazing works of art. Simple brilliant. These were on display in the hallways in central Indiana. The art teacher's direction of this student work is simply stunning. Breath-taking in fact. 

photo of: spring bulletin board of Eric Carle style paintings

A quick hop over to Wikipedia for the publishing date reveals 1969 as the original release date. I know that I remember the very moment when I personally first beheld this beauty. The incredible color against the white background nearly took my breath away. I was transfixed!

Looking for a BIG word to associate with your caterpillar exploration? How about: LEPIDOPTERA? You know how children love to learn the multiple syllables in a dinosaur's name? How about introducing lepidoptera when you're talking Eric Carle's caterpillar. MEMORABLE!

p.s. By all means, please pin and share these ideas with those searching. 

-- Debbie -- 

Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth -

I'm converting my songs to Mp3 versions, so that you can instantly download them with their lyrics and support materials in pdf format. I'm just beginning to add power-point slides for your ease in  projection. By following my store you'll learn when I get another file zipped together.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for the pin, Deborah. Aren't these awesome variations on the theme? I LUV to see what folks are doing out in the big world.



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