Friday, June 8, 2012

Posted Classroom Rules: Fine Motor

photo of: Fine Motor Leads to Fine Arts: The Classroom Rules Edition
This week's edition of my continuing series involving fine motor development is going to have a unique theme, a twist of sorts. All week I've been sharing my collection of bulletin boards, decorated classroom doors, showcases and murals -- from my travels as visiting "Author/Illustrator" making school visits. 

While on these travels, I've been conscientious to take photos of the 'rules' in the classrooms that I've been visiting. Since they are handwritten and on the bulletin board -- I thought they could have their very own edition this week on my "Fine Motor Friday." 

Let's start with this beauty: LUV it! LUV it!! LUV it!!!
[From a first grade 'classroom-crashing' visit in Hilliard.]

photo of: First Grade Promise for Positive Behavior, Classroom Rules

What is it that I LUV about seeing children's handwriting?
The simplicity? 
The sincerity?
It goes straight to my heart every time!

photo of: Handwritten Kindergarten Rules
This set of rules above are from my 'way-back' machine. 
I reflected on these half-a-dozen edicts just about a year ago. 
It was my favorite article of that era -- back when it was just basically me + my mom as blog readers. 
I think it's worth your click back to read my musings.
Not exactly beach reading, but heart felt for sure!
You know with its black and white polka-dots I'm absolutely wild  about this next bulletin board! 
I LUV that in addition to the children writing of the class pledge--
there are photos of the 5 character traits these children will focus on during their foundation year. 
Individual Sigatures!!!
Paper-plate faces with yarn hair!
photo of: I Messages in Kindergarten on Positive Behavior Traits on Bulletin Board

photo of: Photograph collage of kindergarten children enacting positive behavior Traits

photo of: Bulletin Board of Classroom Rules, photographs of Positive behavior traits and individual self-portaits

photo of: Kindergarten Character traits captured in Photographs on Bulletin Board

That's what happens in Mrs. Sherwood's K room at Darby Creek Elementary. She's such a wonder at incorporating the children's written efforts in their collaborative work and she LUVS polka dots! She's the brilliant wonder that orchestrated my TWO days worth of visits, a week apart -- so their K kiddos could have time to process their time with me. 

Across the Hilliard school district this is what's happening in Mrs. Price's K classroom at Scioto Darby Elementary. We, too, are part of the way-back club. 

photo of: Kindergarten set of Classroom Rules

LUV LUV LUV that this 'KLIP Promise'  has the signatures of ratification by the k-kiddos. I think that by having the children self-portraits above, there is a certain buy-in implied with their personalized smiles as well. 

Here's how first graders think in Worthington.
photo of: First Grade Constitution: Rules for the Classroom signed by Students

photo of: First Grade Impressions, Insight and Opportunities: Handwritten Class Rules

How do you 'orchestrate' your rule-setting with your class? Is it a discussion? Are there suggestions? How soon do you begin work at articulating your expectations for your students? 

photo of: Classroom Rules with Personally Drawn Signatures

The majority of these photos were taken in my whirlwind of end-of-the-year visits. Yet the evidence of this beginning-the-year activity is still hanging  proudly in a place of honor in each room. 

photo of: Bulletin Board of Kindergarten "I Messages" for Classroom Behavior

photo of: Kindergarten Promise of Responsibility on Bulletin Board

That's another variation of children 'signing' the rule in question. Mrs. Jones has written out the task at hand and the children have each added their 'John Hancock' to signify that they are on-board with the concept. 
BTW: her name really is Mrs. Jones! 

photo of: Kindergarten Bucket Filling, Positive Behavior Article
Tampa Bay Kindergarten: "We Make Good Choices"

photo of: Kindergarten Acrostic for Good Behavior: TOGETHER

photo of: "Our Classroom Promise" Bulletin Board: Handwritten in Kindergarten

Below is a set of rules created from a preschool setting. 
Interesting to see what's been added by the children.

photo of: Bulletin Board of Rules Drafted by Preschool Children

You know that I always think having some visual 'clues' as to what behavior we're hoping for, especially when the children are not yet readers, is essential to the outcome. This example helps the little ones get off on the right foot. 

photo of: Class Rules Poster with Hand Drawn Visual Reminder Prompts
Class Rules with Hand Drawn Visual Reminder Prompts

When you boil it all down to its very core...
 how about this list? 
From my dear preschool friends in Louisiana!

Photo of: Preschool Poster of Class Rules: the Basics

Here's one on the wall in a Florida VPK Preschool Classroom, captured obviously on sentence strips. Do You LUV the prompt to "have fun" as much as I do? What common denominators do you see emerging in all of these various examples?

photo of: Sentence Strip List of Classroom Rules in VPK Preschool

Earlier this year the beloved Deanna Jump shared how she starts her day, over at PreK+K Sharing (our collaborative blog where I am editor-in-chief.) I am borrowing her image to show you how she used Mr. Potato Head with her K-kiddos. Click here to see how she incorporates Dr. Becky Bailey's approach to Conscious Discipline into their room. 

photo of: Deanna Jump's Classroom Behavior Chart with Mr. Potato Head Prompts as Visual Clues
Mrs. Jump's Visual Chart for Positive Behavior with Mr. Potato Head Prompts
I always remind you to have the children see your writing in the room as well. This piece seems well suited to this round-up of reminders. It was hanging on Mrs. Sherwood's Kindergarten doorway into the hall. I can think of a gazillion piggy-back tunes to use. Which tune would you incorporate to sing this message?

photo of: Anchor Chart for Positive Hallway Behavior

These next rules are from team teachers working with first graders at St. Paul Catholic school in Westerville. Slightly different takes on the same topic. I had the lower picture featured earlier this week. Please notice that it is an acrostic for the word R.E.S.P.E.C.T: brilliant!! The handprints serve as ratification in this example. 

photo of: First Grade Classroom Rule Bulletin Boards Using Theme of Respect

Here's a slightly different variation on this theme. 

photo of: "Problem Solver" Suggestions for when someone is Bothering You Bulletin Board

There's a big leap from the lists above to this one. It's tone is certainly for a more mature crowd. What do you think of this set?

photo of: School Age Rules Poster at YMCA

Technically, these next reminders aren't hand-written, but I thought they belonged with the rest of this collection. These were on the wall in Florida last winter in the kindergarten room I visited in South Daytona. You guessed it. I LUV acrostic outlines!

photo of: Classroom Behavior Acrostic Bulletin Board

I had fun putting this together for you and I'd be delighted with your thoughts and insight. Or better still if you have a blog-post on your 'rules' please leave a link in the comment section below. I know everyone would like to see how you involve your students in the process of developing a positive learning environment.  

-- Debbie -- 

It would be a HUGE help to me, if you would 'pin' the collage of the examples to one of your appropriate boards.... or this one might be more to your pin-liking: 

photo of: Classroom Behavior Issues: Creating a Classroom Climate of Respect

If you're looking for the first 16 installments of the series
click right here. 
They are 'housed' in the tag: Fine Motor Friday

photo of: HUGE GIVE AWAY: Entire set of Debbie Clement materials, enter by June 15th!
I'm so EXCITED!!! 
I'm giving away an ENTIRE SET of my materials. 
3 Picture Books. 
Must enter by Fri. June 15th at Mrs. Miner's Monkey Business. 

Smart Teaching

This post has been added to TBA's International Blog hop on "Teaching Smart."


  1. This is a wonderful post! Thank you, as classroom teachers we don't get out into other schools much! I love Mr. Potato Head!
    Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith’s Pinterest Boards!

    1. FERN!!!! You sweetie you. I LUV getting to be the Rainbow-Reporter and share from my perspective of being in and out of so many different rooms!!! Deanna's Potato Head is a classic, indeed!


  2. Love love love the ones with the photos of students! Another great post by Debbie!
    Simply Kinder

    1. So glad you had a chance to see this 'round up' cuz I just know it inspires you! Yup the ones with the photos are awesome. I'm also partial to the kid's handwritten ones. Hoping that all is well in your world, Jennifer!



I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!