Friday, May 4, 2012

Fine Motor on Friday: Part 12

photo of: Fine motor development for Fine Arts, preschool paintings, kindergarten Artwork display, bulletin board of Art

Welcome back to the continuing series! 

Today's post starts with a glorious piece of "trash." 

My sweetie brought home this Cadbury treasure after the Easter holiday season, finding it's choco-goodness in the mark-down bin at his favorite coffee haunt. 

It took us a while to polish off the goodies. 
He actually had the container hidden from me all week --
doling out treats for good behavior. 
Eventually he put the container into the recycle bin. 
That's when I finally discovered it!!! 

LUV'd the color!! LUV'd the size!! LUV LUV LUV the potential!!!
photo of: Montessori tray for fine motor development

I went hopping to my 'studio' in search of doo-dads that would nestle happily into the miniature, bright-purple tray. 
It just so-happened that I had a couple of baggies of hand crocheted buttons 
-- in two colors -- from some yard sale along the way. 
Then I went searching for containers to display the buttons: IKEA bowls from the kitchen!!! PERFECT!!

I cut up a dollar store green placemat to fit inside a bright box lid. 
A simple spoon can scoop up the buttons, deposit them and then retrieve them again to be placed back in their color-matched bowls.
Preschool fine motor development, early childhood handwriting development

Just in case you don't have baggies filled with crocheted buttons........ 
The whole concept works equally well with garden variety PomPoms!

This time I'm using a 'jumbo-sized' straw folded in half as 'tweezers' to manipulate the fluffs.

Of course Iyou know I prefer the razzle-dazzle shiny PomPoms!

LUV LUV LUV getting to spend the day in kindergarten!!
This was umpteenth return visit to Scioto Darby Elementary!! 

anchor chart for kindergarten week, handwriting sample for kindergarten

When I arrived the students were engaged in writing and illustrating their own picture books. They were SO excited to share their work with a 'real' picture book illustrator!
photo of: kindergarten spring poem, preschool poem for spring, children's drawings for spring

photo of: kindergarten journal for spring, children's artwork illustrations, spring poem

How awesome to have the same rhyme from the children's journals also hand-written by the teacher! 

photo of: Kindergarten spring rhyme, frog rhyme, bird rhyme, handwriting

I LUV a building that features children's handwritten work! 
This writing was GIANT sized on the bulletin board in the hallway.
photo of: le for kindergarten, handwriting in kindergarten, fine motor development

Here's some insight into the minds of the second graders. 

photo of: ple for second grade, hope and dreams in second grade, bulletin board

If you're looking for the first eleven installments of the series: click here!

-- Debbie --

I am hosting a give-away of a set of all three of my picture books to a lucky winner. 
So far there are 30 entries -- so the odds are in your favor. 

Scroll down to yesterday's post for the rules or click right here
Proudly linked up!Montessori Monday
PreK + K Sharing

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