Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Color Plus Creativity Equals

HAPPY MAY!!!!! Let the colors burst forth!!!

photo of: bright flowers, Upcycled flower sculptures, kitchen recycled pans into Art,
Color Plus Creativity Equals "Color-a-tivity" (from the mind of a 3rd Grader)

Those Aprils showers are in the process of giving birth to May flowers. 

Today is my day to kick off the new month over at PreK+K Sharing, on our now 6 month old collaborative blog. It was just last week that a third grader asked me the question, "Where do you get your color-a-tivity?" My article over there is filled with the colors of children's art. 

Over here I thought I'd address the same question, the question of the origination of my color-a-tivity, by sharing this weekend and my time spent in and around Panama City Beach. Our visit with family and friends was spent with my reflecting on my color-a-tivity and where it comes from.... or maybe more accurately how I am inspired by color.  

Let me just say: I LUV LUV LUV this piece of art.

photo of: Artist painting of bright circular forms, rainbow colors,

New-sis + moi at Blue Giraffe Gallery

photo of: Gulf of Mexico beach, waves on sand, sunny beach photo

photo of: purple pail on the beach, bucket in the sand, reflection on waves in the ocean

photo of: Natural growing fern in detail

Yes. I took that picture!!!! I could look at it all day long!!!

sunset over the Gulf, orange sky sunset, pier sunset

                                              -- Debbie --
Turns out that I get LOTS of my color-a-tivity from the beauty of the world around me. Thanks so much to our dear 'new' family......... Allen's sister and husband, Dianne and Jim -- who gave us such a happy weekend of color! 

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