Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wings, Prayers + Friends

This is proving to be a memorable month..... and we're only nearing the half-way point.

I have learned to auto-post my articles, which is clearly awesome, because in real time I am winding my way BACK to the airport -- with the plans of winging my way to Springfield IL for their IRA -- International Reading Association and giving presetations there, wearing my author hat.

At this exact same time my dear angel-on-earth husband is driving from FL to OH to pick up our 3 year old WonderTwins to bring them to our FL home for the upcoming near future. All of this to help our daughter Sarah recover from surgery. (I won't go into the whole 'taking-her-by-squad-to the hospital' scerio of yesterday.... just suffice it to say, Allen had a brilliant idea and took action.)

 When I return from IL we will have the WonderDuo under our hearts and roof for the for-see-able future. Whoaaaah!!! Creative arts up close and personal, 24-7, with my preschoolers!!!! If you're the prayin' sort please send a few up for this unfolding story.

Kreative in Kinder
Today marks my first ever guest author-post over at the brilliant Crystal's, Kreative in Kinder. Hop on over to see my pithy insights on Kindergarten and creativity and while you're there, get familiar with all she offers to fellow K teachers.

Kindergarten Debbie Clement, circa 1962

Look for this photo of moi-in-K, modeling my prize earnings, for winning a coloring contest!!
                                                              -- Debbie --


  1. HI Debbie! I totally love your CDs. I know you don't remember me, but I met you when you did a presentation in Nelsonville, Ohio about 6 years ago. I used to teach there for one of the Head Start's in the area. I think you're awesome! I bought all your CDs that day and use them all the time in my Kindergarten class here in Austin, TX. Thanks for all you do!


    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

    1. HOWDY!!! Erica. So delightful to hear from you!! Now you have to get me TEXAS!!!!! How's about NOT in summer. LOL. I'll come whenever ya get an invite together!!!

      It's awesome to know that my work is 'traveling' to new horizons!!!

      If you ever have the kids create 'Art' projects to any of my songs -- please take pictures, send them to me and I'll share them here with everyone else. Debbie

  2. Hi! I just saw your post on Kreative in Kinder and rushed on over as soon as I saw your Kindergarten picture next to a postcard with Jasper, Indiana on it! I live in Seattle now, but my dad grew up in Huntingburg and I just got the biggest kick out of seeing that! So this is just a Dubois County shout out!

    Angela Blemker

    1. Small world, Angela!! How fun to have a 'Jasper' connection.

      After I get done with my visit to Texas with Erica above, I'm willing to come to Seattle!!! I've never been to Seattle -- personally or professionally.

      I hope that I can get over to your blog and see what you're up to!!!



I LUV to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts so we can interact!!