Friday, March 16, 2012

RAINBOWS of Fine Motor


RAINBOWS Within REACH that is!!!!!!!!
Today, I'm double-dippin'!!!!!!
I continue with my Fine-Motor Friday Fun for Fine Arts!!! Which has been a contribution to the Kid's Co-op end-of-the-week blog hop.

Today I also welcome my new friends that are on the St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt. I have all sorts of ideas to share today for the "Rainbow" connection -- with tomorrow's grand finale of the Pot of Gold over at Kreative in Kinder! 
WELCOME one and all!!

Let's take a look at Rainbows and Fine Motor and Fine Arts all rolled into one big EXTRAVAGANZA!!

It all starts with making those fine motor muscles strong enough to continue on into Fine Arts.

Being the 'Rainbow Lady' I am often greeted with glorious Rainbow welcomes.
This one is especially spectacular in its execution!!
From my recent Author-visit to Gator Run Elementary in Florida!!

Here's another component of their Rainbow-welcome -- for my arrival in their midst.

It is such an honor to arrive at a school festooned in Rainbows.
Look at this entry to their school library!!
Created from individually cut-out handprint sillouettes.

Even more amazing than a glorious rainbow tribute on display in the building -- 
is to have individual children create their own rainbow for my arrival.
This is such a touching story.

It started out with smiles and a hug upon the rainbow presentation.
It ended up with TEARS.....lots of kindergarten tears. 
You may need a tissue to read the whole story.
The earlier article is in my all-time Top 10 list just over there in the left sidebar. 

The power of teachers and the impact they make along the way.
Click back to this earlier article when you need a rainbow 'pick-me-up.'

Remember 'Lite-Brites' and all the fun with creating silhouettes that then shine?
Here we are creating a 'rainbow' in light.
Look at all of this fine-motor fun!

Yes, those are my own WonderPeeps (grandchildren) at our recent field trip to Franklin Park Conservatory.
We had arrived serendipitously for the annual butterfly release.

We LUV the butterflies, but this 'exhibit' is an all-time favorite!

This next collage of photos is of a 'new-to-us' exhibit.
How AMAZING is this interactive sculptural DIY Chihuly? 

I want one for my living-room!
Every program for children should have one!!
Open-ended and glorious!

In honor of the double-dipping:

Fine Motor Friday
Rainbows, St. Patrick's Day Scavenger Hunt.......

I think its time for a RAINBOW RETROSPECTIVE!!!

Every rainbow requires the sun to peak thru the dark clouds -- just past the umbrellas.
I think this is the first ever paper chain rainbow I'd ever seen!

LUV these paintings -- where the paint nearly jumps off the page!!
Or how about this colossal HUGE media-construction?
It went from floor-to-ceiling!!

I LUV to capture 'rainbows' while I'm out on my travels!!

Here's a professional artist's pallette prior to launching into a masterpiece!

Yup! It takes both the dark clouds and the sunshine.......
to create the colors of the Rainbow.

I LUV the simplicity of this image!

This HUGE Rainbow Sculpture was on display at CSG in Columbus.
Upcycled, revisited materials brought to new life together.

Now look at these inspring 'rainbow-esque' names from mature 2nd graders --
in honor of my two day residency in their midst in Clyde, OH.
These masterpieces were created under the direction of their Art teacher.

My favorite 'illustration' from my first picture book, "You're Wonderful" has always had a rainbow feel to me.
Trust me there was a LOT of fine-motor action as I sewed the quilts together!

My long term readers know of my once-in-a-life time trip to Reggio Emilia, Italy....
where I performed for the Italian children while taking a tour of two centers.
Imagine my excitement to see this massive rainbow-of-pasta!!!

Here's a couple of classics!!!!

Preschool child's 'get-well' card to me, on the occaision of my cancer diagnosis: RAINBOW encouragement brought me hope!

Those of you who have visited here previously also know that I have been watching for lessons that teach and help reinforce 'kindness.'

I think these two thank you cards combine it all!
Fine Motor + Fine Arts + Rainbows + Kindness = PRICELESS!

-- Debbie --

****If you're looking for the earlier Fine Motor Friday articles, click right here, this makes the 6th episode. 

Remember tomorrow the big Pot-of-Gold reveal is at Crystal's.............. 

Kreative in Kinder
For all of my blogging friends, I extend a special welcome to you to join our Kid's Co-op weekly linky party. It's like creating a weekly 'magazine' of ideas for parents, teachers, grand-parents and librarians. All blog articles regarding children are WELCOME!!

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1 comment:

  1. I love the lite brites! Adding those to the gift wish list now. Thanks for sharing at The Weekly Kids Co-op.


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