Thursday, March 29, 2012

Las Vegas: NCCA Big Time!

Shawn Brown, Debbie Clement, NCCA,
Dateline: Las Vegas. What happens in Vegas... stays with you a long time. Vegas is full of memory making opportunities. 
Just how much fun did we have in VEGAS?
Just how much fun is it to rub elbows with Mr. SuperFun himself? I LUV'd getting the opportunity to spend time with Shawn Brown of the SuperFunShow!!

Just how much fun is it to be on 'da-big-stage' for a national organization?

Debbie Clement leads line-dancers at NCCA in Vegas to her "ABC Rap"!!

It was a true honor and joy to present my workshops before an INTERNATIONAL gathering.

How great a party does NCCA throw?
National Child Care Association = movers + shakers!
Owners + directors of childcare centers....
Decision makers one and all.

NCCA President Linda Kostantenaco talks with MDA Ambassador Bryson Foster (a Bengals fan), his dad, and Mike Blishak (MDA).

Bryson is quite an Ambassador for MDA and gave an amazing speech during the luncheon -- to an over-flowing ballroom of adults. He had the whole place laughing from the moment he rolled onto the stage.

Can you see the carrot cake slices on the table?
I'm tellin' ya -- these folks know how to throw a party!!
Sure hope that I get invited back again!!!

                                                             -- Debbie --


  1. Isn't Shawn Brown fun? I met him at a very small conference and had the opportunity to talk with him a bit. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. It's a good thing this was in Vegas--- you and Shawn Brown in one place---I'll bet y'all were rockin' it!!!! :)

    1. Yes, Ayn. He is indeed the SUPER fun as promised! Such fun to meet dignitaries out on the road. This was a high-light to be certain. I'm glad that you had the opportunity to meet him and spend time together.


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