Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fine Motor Leads to Fine Arts: Part V

Welcome (back) to my ongoing series:

Welcome also to the Kid's Co-Op week's end bloghop!

I'm so happy to have so many appreciative readers on this topic.
Both 'fine motor' and 'fine Arts' are near and dear to my heart.
As an author/illustrator of picture books, I'm dearly in LUV with the creative process!
I'm always thrilled to see how these two are connected in my work with children.

I keep my camera on alert as I visit schools wearing my 'music-lady' hat.
I look forward to 'stalking' additional programs for ideas to share on connecting the two!
Take a look at excellence in action!

This week I'm on a 'stay-cation' amidst my beloved WonderPeeps in Ohio.
I could post a gazillion images of their work alone.
We are a family that values creativity --- several generations deep.

I got to drop off the WonderTwinzees at Preschool.
This was their welcome activity awaiting them on the table.
BabyA of the long-lashes:

Baby B, of the many colored days:

You can see in each of the two 'photo-series' above
just how many different grasps of the paint brush were attempted.
I know exactly how old those fingers are! 
They are 7 weeks short of their FOURTH birthday. 
(Note to self: how is that possible?)

Having oodles of opportunities with 'tools' makes for competence.  

While I was 'on-location' I took a look through their preschool building.
Here are a few peaks at what I saw.

When we surround children with opportunities to build and manipulate materials,
the muscles in their forearms, and wrists and hands and ultimately FINGERS are strengthened!!

Having a classroom (or a family room) filled with 'materials' that require construction are just what are needed to work on those grasping skills. Manipulating links and building chains are an awesome way to work those fingers for the future work of driving a pencil across the page.

Here's the ultimate 'up-cycle' use of a deli-tray!!
Keep all of your bits and pieces together in one spot!!

Placed in the middle of the classroom table, lots of fingers have easy access!
Just imagine all of the 'nimble-ness' required to removed that self-adhesive backing.

Double bonus? 
Letter recognition AND fine motor exercise in one! 

             Ultimately we delight in these types of expressions:

What sort of GeeGee would I be if I came and didn't sing?
Here we are together getting started on all the fun!

Fingers have all sorts of work to do!!!

It's critical for the children to see YOU writing!

Did you see my post yesterday about "Ten Apples up on Top"?????
It was absolutely FILLED with fine motor fun!!

All of this finger-fun is effort toward a 'headband' to wear up on top!!

 HENCE-Forth...... this series will be called "Fine Motor Friday!"
(even if it is over-zealous and gets posted on a Thursday evening: LOL!)
Just click right here and you'll get all five articles published in the series!

****Are you new around here? I am CRAZY-WILD over at Pinterest. Click here to get over to my nearly 12,000 pins for early childhood. If you want to go straight to my pin-board on all things fine motor and writing then this is your link. If you're looking for the 'creative' Children's Art board, just click here.      ENJOY!!!!                   


Remember, too -- when you're ready for songs to support fine motor I have a whole album dedicated to waking up those fingers -- through song + dance! The promo-code at my website is the word: GREAT (grass roots efforts are terrific!) to save 10% off your order.

                            -- Debbie --

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from Weekly Kids Co-op and WOW! This post is filled with goodies. Those self adhesive letters look particularly tempting. Thank you :)


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