Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Power of the BOOK

The power of the book. The power of the printed word.
The power of the traditional format of pages bound together. Pages that can be turned, felt, touched -- even smelled. My bias. My predisposition. My upbringing. My world. My passion. My books. My work. My greatest delight!

Did you take a good look at that picture above? Did you look at the details? The engagement. The exploration. The pointing finger. The "I can't get close enough to these images, these words." The sheer JOY -- conveyed in the photograph. To me that's what it's all about. That's what books have always offered. The traditional picture book format. Slick glossy pages. Pages filled with color. Pages with words. ART UP CLOSE. LANGUAGE. LEARNING.
ART + WORDS TOGETHER! Behold the power!!

Captured here forever are young friends: one two years old and the other three. Neither particularly 'readers' (as in reading actual words) yet both immersed completely in the power of the book. Totally engrossed. Completely ready for 'reading' ahead. That's the power of the picture book. The foundation for all that is to come!

We had just spent a whirlwind morning together in Thibodaux Louisiana. 

Presentations with the children, mini-concerts if you will. Smiles. Dancing. Quilt illustrations. Lunch with the staff plus sharing. King Cake. All the bells and whistles.

These two wonder girlies stayed along during the staff luncheon and adult brainstorm session. Then they were rewarded with choosing one of my books to take home! We posed and smiled together. Proud mama-teacher. Proud Nana-teacher.

It was after the official 'posing' that the magic happened. We adults were all hugging and thanking one another and the girls went off by themselves and were left alone while we tall people said good-bye to one another. It was then that they were left to explore the uncharted territory between the covers of my books.

Just by chance I glimpsed over and was able to capture their innocent exploration for all time. I have a lot of 'favorite' photographs. This one is certain to be in my Hall of Fame of Favorites. Just goes to show that you can't script your favorite moments -- you just have to be available when they unfold. Quite a legacy indeed!

  • What is your legacy?
  • Where are you leaving finger-prints?
  • Where will your impact be felt?
  • What contribution are you able to make?

                                   -- Debbie --

    P.S. Thought I'd share their 'hand-print' poem that was being laminated in time for the grandparents day celebration yet to unfurl. True, true, true. Treasure each moment as it unfurls and be grateful.... fingerprints and all! After all -- that's how you know that you're leaving your 'mark' on the world!

    Yup!! I linked this over to Kindergarten Lifestyle.... for Jeannie's "You Know You're a Teacher"


    1. debbbbbbie, i'm doing giraffes right now. how do i get my hands on "tall giraffe"?!

      1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Must get my books into your hands!!!!!!

        Email me your address and I'll send the set ASAP!! Can't wait!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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