Wednesday, February 1, 2012

HEARTS + ARTS!!! Collaborations + AHA!


Six months ago I was determined to 'learn' how to connect my little-blog-in-the-cave
to the wider world. Today's a RED letter day on so many levels!!!!

Today is all about the power of the ARTS!!! Today is my monthly installment over at PreK+K Sharing..... and I'm on a bit of a rant on the ARTS: "Process vs. Product." Here's the link to that article -- for my insight, training, bias, experience + opinion.

  • Amazement #1: I have started a collaborative blog with over thirty 'authorities' each contributing an article every month. WOW: PreK+K is growing crazy!
  • Amazement #2: I have been adopted into a sorority of sorts -- all bloggers on kids, crafts, Arts, parenting and they're HIGHLY organized as you'll see.
  • Amazement #3: I can copy + paste enough HTML code to participate in this amazing fund raiser for the American Heart Association!!!!!!
Now sit down for an amazing story on the power of the Arts!

Today's post is one of love and courage. It's the story of hard work, collaboration and imagination. The story is that of a sweet four year old with a heart-story of her own. It's the story of Ellie-JO!!! The specifics are here to get acquainted.

She's been through numerous open-heart surgeries with more on the horizon. She needs our help.

Over 70 bloggers have come together on behalf of Ellie and so many others with heart-stories. We have created a collaboration of HEART Art projects to inspire. There are over 100 hearts in an e-book collaboration brought together from the brilliant mind of Jamie over at Hands On as We Grow (that's her link above with Ellie's story)..... who just happens to be related to those big bright sparkling eyes above.

Jamie's timing was 'perfect' in asking for heart project contributions as I had just been given those amazing heart-shaped DREAM catcher-weavings from my friends in Kindergarten over in Caitlin's classroom, following my Author-Visit to their elementary. Caitlin blogs over at Kindergarten Smiles. Here's a reminder photo, but you can go back in time to my article on Martin Luther King, Jr. to see more.

Over 100 such ideas have been brought together as a thank you for your $5.00 donation to the American Heart Association in an 'eBook-version' or it is also available as a softbound book for your coffee table.

Here's a look inside at just a few of the ideas you'll see featured from fellow bloggers.

Here's where you contribute 5 dollars to the American Heart Association and you receive the e-book:
Add to Cart

Or here's where you purchase a soft-bound version -- of which $5.00 is donated to AHA.
US $20.00
Order the Printed Version

Or you are most welcome to make a 'direct-donation' to the American Heart Association in any amount you choose!!!! is contributing $1 for every ebook sold this month!
That means in addition to your $5 donation by purchasing the The Heart eBook, will donate another $1 on your behalf (up to $500!)! Hop over to the Facebook page and tell them a BIG THANK YOU for being so generous! showing the love

Giveaways are going to be happening every day from now until the 14th! There's more than one some days, so be sure to check them all out! These giveaways are from The Heart Project Bloggers who are very generously donating their projects (from The Heart Book!), or something related to their heart project. There are also a couple special giveaways from Melissa & Doug, Fudoo Boards and! Be sure to check back each day to enter that day's giveaways!

 Fundraiser Auctions:
♥  All proceeds of each auction will go to the AHA  

Melissa & Doug -  4 Trunki with Teddy Bear Auctions!

  1. Trunki with Teddy Bear, ends Feb 10
  2. Trunki with Teddy Bear, ends Feb 10
  3. Trunki with Teddy Bear, ends Feb 10
  4. Trunki with Teddy Bear, ends Feb 10

Fudoo Boards - 3 Fudoo Board Kits for Auction!
  1. Fudoo Board Kit, ends Feb 10
  2. Fudoo Board Kit, ends Feb 10
  3. Fudoo Board Kit, ends Feb 10
    hands on : as we grow
    A Little Learning for Two Among Many Blessings
    Angelique Felix
    At Home with Ali Broken Treasures
    Busy at Home
    Busy Kids Happy Mom Carrie Saindon's Photo Journey
    Child Central Station
    Classified: Mom Classroom Magic
    Creative with Kids
    Creativity My Passion Critters and Crayons
    De Tout et de Rien
    Dilly-Dali Art Dinosaurs & Octopuses
    Excited 2 Learn
    Hand Over the Cookies Handprint & Footprint Art
    Happy Hooligans
    Heart Journey Imagination Soup
    Jamie's Jumble
    Kitchen Counter Chronicles Kreative Resources
    Let Kids Create
    Little Illuminationss Living Montessori Now
    Loudness of the Lambs
    Love and Lollipops  Mama, hocemo nesto da pravimo
    Mama Pea Pod
    Mama Smiles  MemeTales
    Messy Kids
    Mindful Meanderings  Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
    Mommy Labs
    Mommy Perks  Mum Paints Lives
    Mummy Mummy Mum
    My Creative Family  NurtureStore
    One Artsy Mama
    Peace Love & Rainbows  Play Dr Mom
    Putti Prapancha
    Rainbows within Reach  Reading Confetti
    Ready. Set. Read!
    Red Ted Art  Sense of Wonder
    Share & Remember
    Stacy Molter  Sun Hats & Wellie Boots
    Teach Preschool
    The Artful Child  The Chocolate Muffin Tree
    The Craft Barn
    The Educators' Spin on It  The Golden Gleam
    The Imagination Tree
    The Iowa Farmer's Wife  The Joy of My Life
    The Kids Fun Review
    The Outlaw Mom Blog  The Preschool Toolbox
    The Seeds Network
    Toddler Approved

    ******That's the list of all the blogs who have contributed a heart or two to the collaboration -- complete with a direct link to their site!!!! Our fun-goal is to see if we can raise $1000 by Valentine's Day with our collaborative efforts. How can you participate? Of course through your direct support, but also by pinning and tweeting and sharing these links with your friends.

    I'm so glad that I have been able to come out of my cave and contribute!
     --Debbie --

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