Friday, July 22, 2011


Huge PROGRESS! Amazing, thrilling, wonderful, golly-wowzers, delightful, whizzie-pops & butterflies are wafting-about-my heart progress!!! Can you feel my enthusiasm? Every 'real' blogger in the blogosphere has their own blog-button. I've been blogging now for over three years, over 1300 posts, over five countries-round-the-world and now? Now?? NOW!?!?!

Today, I have my very own blog button!!! Strike up the band!! Throw the confetti. Pass the blueberries. Savor the daisies. Count your blessings!!! It's time to celebrate!!!!! [Wanna know why it's all called RainbowsWithinReach? Click here.]

What do you do with a blog button you ask?? You kindly, on bended knee, with the inference of sweet bribery, ask your fellow-bloggers to share it with their readers..... in the hopes that your humble blog efforts might grow Alice-in-Wonderlike to greater heights and glory. All with the dream that your 'work' might rise from the quagmire of total invisibilty to the quasi-familiarity of recognition within your niche.

Now that I have a blog button, I can enter all of those 7,439,621 linky parties where you insert your button to have your link included. In fact, I can now participate in the blog scavenger hunt taking place at Yearn to Learn.

1. A new blog: Dr. Jean has launched a blog!! (see my recent post on her inspiration keynote at ITK in Vegas.)

2. A blog in my realm: Teach Preschool by Deborah Stewart (see my recent post here about our clever collaboration at IN-AEYC.)

3. A blog beyond my realm: Ladybug's Techno 4th grade that has helped me move forward.

4. A cute blog button. Need I say more??

The blogger who taught me how to create a blog button is Jillian over at A Mom With a Lesson Plan and here is her clever button. Hmmmmmm. Jillian??? I can't get your code to copy??? Such exciting progress and then I reach my techno limits. I'm trying!!! Maybe I can come back and get Jillian's button to jump-over-the-rainbow and land here? Time will tell!!


  1. Debbie,
    Yippee. Aren't "small" accomplishments so rewarding.
    Love your blog button and I'm beyond excited that you linked up to my Blog party.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. YIPPEE indeed, Vanessa!!!

    But here's my question. Why didn't the whole list of 101 linkie-links post here at the end of my post? What am I doing wrong? I thought that was the whole point.

    Was there some sort of code I'm supposed to enter?? HELP!!


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