Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom Isn't Free

"America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." --Harry S. Truman
"We know what honor is. It is what enables the individual to do right in the face of complacency and cowardice. It is what enables the soldier to die alone, the political prisoner to resist, the singer to sing her song, hardly appreciated, on a side street." -- Mark HelprinHappy Fourth-of-July!!!! Raise the flag!! Today is a blue-sky day up here, in real-time where we have landed for the summer -- in northern WI, Door County to be exact, Sister Bay to be very specific. Timber Ridge Circle if ya wanna check your Google map. That puts us one block from the shore's edge of the big deep water of Green Bay and our village marina. Anyhow, back to my morning contemplation of all things Fourth-worthy: fireworks, fun and festivities!! Before we take off for the village parade and strawberry shortcake festival I just want to pause long enough to contemplate these pictures from a mere few weeks back. It turns out that freedom isn't free.

These photos are of our son-in-law Scott, returning back to his little family, having been in Iraq for just over five months at the start of the year. He serves as a pilot with the Ohio Air guard and is periodically assigned to back up our troops amidst other responsibilities on the home front. Five months is one of his longest deployments into the middle of strife since his being a daddy. No. Freedom isn't free.

Scott returned to Ohio the week of the "Ace of Spades" raid so we were particularly concerned about his travel home at that taunt moment in time. Security was at its all time highest. Imagine Sarah's extreme excitement to pick him up, only to be met at the base's check-point gate with the news that their family mini-van's security tags had expired in Scott's absence and she wouldn't be allowed to drive on the base to get him.

They were able to sort thru that delaying detail and these are the pictures of their reunion. I think what strikes me the most is seeing Trevor's expression (he'd just barely turned three and is the one wearing the striped shirt.) It's quite clear that he has no intention of having his hug get interrupted. He's really holding on and on and on. What is five months in the life of a brand new three year old? You do the math. It's a whole, big, huge chunk. In the life of a brand new three year old, five months is basically all of recorded history. No, freedom isn't free. It involves missing birthday parties for one thing.

As we get ready to head to the parade this morning my heart is full remembering all the recent hugs of the children of our troops, that I met in Europe earlier this spring. Children with a parent not at the dinner table, children with a parent preparing to depart. Children who have heavy hearts periodically. Then I think of the amazing encounter that we had in Verona Italy, where we were hugged as Americans on the day of the enactment of America liberating Verona at the end of the war. Freedom isn't free. It never has been. It never will be.

There are people, families, yes and children who today are in the midst of sacrificing so that we might be nearer to a sense of freedom for all, a freedom being shared by a wider percentage of this world's people. It isn't free, but ask the people of Verona Italy what it tastes like. They are still celebrating all these many decades later -- to keep the truth alive.

A special thanks and many hugs today to Scott for all his training and efforts and especially to Sarah who steps up in his absence(s) and juggles the entire household, because that's what it takes. They are a team in his service. It takes both of them, that he might serve others. Freedom isn't free.

FWIW (For what it's worth)..... if you happen to know of a family, where one of the members is off in the service of our country, consider stepping up. Step up and do the right thing. Step up and ask the "single-parent on the home-front" if there's an errand you can run or a chore that you can attend to or some other meaningful manner that you can show your care and concern. It takes all of us together to work toward freedom. Michelle Obama gets it. She's launched "Joining Forces USO" in an effort to knit communities more tightly around our families who serve. Learn what you can do. Learn how you can help. Learn how you can support. Make this your pledge on the Fourth-of-July. Freedom isn't free, but you can be a contributor of the process.

****While we're hugging people, another hug goes to our other son-in-law, Zac, who currently serves full-time in the Navy, stationed in Annapolis. While we think of him as being out of harm's way, that in no way undermines our pride in his work and dedication. Thanks Zac & Noelle, you're another great team. And one final hug to my hubby for his four years of service in the Navy, aboard the John F. Kennedy Aircraft carrier year's ago. I'm proud of all of you! Now on toward the fireworks... from my vantage point I will have a heart-filled with pride tonight. Freedom isn't free, but the people of Verona impressed upon me that it is indeed priceless.


  1. Reading this has brought more tears to my eyes as we just sent off our local Transportation Company to Iraq today....on INDEPENDENCE Day...a day we celebrate our independence and they are leaving to defend it. God Bless each and every one of them and all who have or are currently serving. My tears reading your blog are tears of joy for you and your family. I'm so happy that Scott made it home safely and that his family was able to greet him. I thank him and Zac and your husband for their service. I also thank you and your daughters for the support you have given them and all who have served! Happy 4th of July to you and your are so right, freedom isn't is and has been fought for by brave men and women for years before us and will continue years after us.

  2. Carie. Thank you for your kind words, coming from you -- they mean the moon. You've been there and done that. You teach me, by your example. Thank you for your service.

  3. I, too, have tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing your family's pictures and for taking the time to talk about all that the troops are doing and what a sacrifice this is for so many people. It's inspiring and I am grateful!

  4. Debbie, Thank you so much for sharing this touching reminder!

  5. Callie and Erin, it is at times like this that I'm grateful to have a blog -- a place to share my thoughts and the reasons behind their development.

    Thank you both for your kind comments.

  6. Oh, what a beautiful post. Thank you for an inside glimpse at your life and love. Our sincere gratitude for your family's service and sacrifice.

    Do you know the book Sometimes We Were Brave by Pat Brisson? While it's about a mom who is deploys periodically, I think you will connect with it for Trevor's sake.

    Sending smiles,



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