Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Debbie Does Vegas

At the exact moment that my workshop was concluding at 5:00, the grand opening of the doors for the Exhibit Hall was at -- you guessed it: 5:00!!! I located a helper bee to assist my getting from point A to point B in a nano-second and with two shakes of a tail feather here are a few of the smiles that were waiting for me at the Zaner-Bloser booth -- eager to pose for a picture to help document their own adventure and to make my existence more concrete for the children in their room once school begins. This is an international selection of pictures. Above we have enthusiasm from across the States. Also pictured are representatives from one of Canada's first nation Indian reservations, Lani from Hawaii and a dedicated teacher who works with children on the Autism spectrum.

There was a stampede of eager educators Opening night is always fun in an exhibit hall Having orange fruit-cicles made it just that much more memorable.Posted by Picasa


  1. My Art-ie friend..... I'm so glad that I can bring a smile to you by sharing the fun that I get to create & then turn around and participate in.

    Thanks for coming back!


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