Monday, June 6, 2011

What is this Blog About?

Indeed. What IS this blog about? Who are the intended readers? Why would they be coming here to follow along? And what on earth do these questions have to do with a rusty old truck?

Thanks for asking. This is the summer of introspection. This is the summer of growth and expansion. I have kept this little journal of my travels for nearly three years now. It has kept me pleasantly happy over these 1303 posts to date. Now I really want to work at figuring out how to get this diary of mine out to a wider audience. I am so grateful to my family members and friends for checking in periodically and seeing what I've been up to -- but now I'm ready to stretch my wings and fly further from the nest.

I recently discovered the site "WeTeach" and am delighted to have found a group of bloggers there who offer advice, insight, suggestions and encouragement. One of my new pals has suggested enrolling in the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Program and I went leaping at the opportunity. So in the coming weeks I hope that you'll notice several things happening here. I hope that you notice there are more comments being attached to individual blog posts. I hope that you see my blog being tweeted out to the educational & creative communities (no, I don't know the first thing about Twitter) and new developments in blog hops, blog rolls, blog lists emerging as I learn my way around new tools and linkies and the like.

All this to be a better resource. All this to share the amazing ideas and responses that I experience. All this to offer my ideas to a wider segment of the cyber-community. We'll see what I can accomplish in the next 31 days -- or even 31 weeks!!

So I have been asked to have some introspection about just who this blog is to serve & consider their needs. So what do rusty trucks have to do with early childhood literacy? Children's music? Hmmmm. All I can tell you is that these photos of that old truck make me happy. And you know when Debbie's happy, everyone can be happy? Somethin' like that? I do have a pretty broad range of interests.......... twill work on the 'focus' aspect through introspection.

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  1. I am not sure but I LOVE the pictures of the truck! Rustic Bliss!

  2. The truck pictures are amazing.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    The one thing that screams at me by visiting your blog is ...a woman who truly loves what she does. What a wonderous thing. I love your pictures, the lives you touch, all of it. You are surrounded by smiles and YOU are the reason for those smiles aren't you? Love it all and will be back Debbie.

  3. I had written a complete post -- attempting to connect the rusty trucks to the WeTeach website and somehow the post got blown away?!?! Technology! I will rewrite it -- just for the two of you!

    Karen, meet Carie. I get to meet some of the most amazing people in education. You two are at the top of the list!


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