Sunday, May 1, 2011

Landscape Painting Vista in Reggio Italy!

Reggio Emilia, Italy: Two LARGE toddler paintings merged into one mural landscape!

Reggio 'documentation' of the process-within-the-product!

Reggio, Italy: Toddler 'feet' painting process documented in photographs

Toddler friends, painting with their feet in Reggio Italy

Here I am as my tour of the building continues in yet another toddler classroom space in the new national childcare center in Reggio. Their mural creating a "landscape window scene" is documented in photographs again. This time, two different sensory painting experiences have been spliced into one final product-display for their bulletin board. The 'blue' painting was created with chubby little fingers and the paint as media to be explored. Notice that the toddlers are 'standing' to paint their blue finger exploration with the paper affixed to the wall.  

The 'green' painting is created with wobblie-wittle feeties walking thru the paint (paper placed easily on the floor.) Then the teachers have merged the two experiences into one final communal finished product: the landscape vista above, complete with window tissue paper curtains, pulled back with curtain tie-backs. Cute.

I LUV the way the photographs are merged together with the completed mural!
The perfect connection between process and product. The photos interspersed with the art are seamlessly woven in -- for even the casual observer, days or weeks later. Parents and tourists alike can appreciate the fun + energy that was the original creation. Click here to see all of my blog-posts from my amazing day in Reggio, Italy.

This post has been added to a Sensory Play over at Teach Preschool.

Every Day Sensory Play

I'm THRILLED to add this post to the first ever(!!) linkie party at PreK+K Sharing on the topic of PAINTING. Click on the button to go back to all of those amazing ideas.

PreK + K Sharing


  1. This is awesome Debbie! What a wonderful way to share what is happening in a toddler classroom and to celebrate the art experience with parents!

  2. This is a wonderful idea. I love the way the photos have been added!

  3. Going that extra 'step' of adding the process (thru the photographs) makes all the difference in the world. Doesn't it?

  4. What a wonderful way to combine sensory/art/and photography!

  5. Deborah. I'm grateful for your linkie, bringing this idea some additional readership.

    You're the best!!!


  6. I think this is my favorite that you have linked up so far! I love the process, using any/all body parts and the documentation is awesome! Thanks for linking up at PreKandK Sharing!

    1. It was the opportunity of a life-time to see so many ideas in Reggio. In a dream world I would return. FREQUENTLY!! LOL So glad to be able to share with a wider world.

  7. I love the mix of mural and photograph. So lovely to have found your blog. I am following now.

    1. Welcome, Ali. This day to spend in Reggio was a high-light for certain. The simple inclusion of the photos into the mural itself? PRICELESS!!


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