Saturday, May 21, 2011

Final Alps Images

This is my final post on our great European Adventure of 2011...... at least until I get the great backlog of activity waiting in the wings chronicled. Someone remind me that I must post the 'Venetian Laundry' pictures at the very least, but I have so many state-side spring classrooms, events, concerts and end-of-the-year joy to share that the remaining gazillions of European tourist pictures can wait their turn. The laundry can wait till there's a lull in my regular fun 'n' games. So regular readers and occaisional drop-in visitors, I wave good-by from Switzerland, reluctantly departing the glorious Alps and get back into my suitcase and to return to the colonies.

I've realized anew how very little I know. How little I know about world history, world geography, world languages, world customs, world religions, world politics, world economy, world literature, world architecture, but I'm willing to learn. It's been a thrill. An adventure. A delight. To say that this trip is the blessing of a lifetime is quite an understatement. Episode after episode of the Amazing Race. Yet, alas. Now it's time to return to our previously scheduled program, "Music Lady and the Children -- plus the Adults who Love Them" -- subtitled "Author/Illustrator/Keynote Woman on a Mission."

Arlana, thank you for making the whole dream come to fruition. Renee, thank you for introducing me to Arlana. Europe thanks for the memories. Weather sprites and fairies thank you for all of the blue skies and unseasonably warm weather. Elsa, thank you for guiding us to every destination through all four countries -- you served us well dear Garmin GPS -- we both agree, it would have been an impossibility without your technological trustiness.
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