Sunday, April 10, 2011

IL Reading Council: S'field

It's just so awesome when everything comes together! Can you keep up with where I am, where I've been and where I'm heading? At this moment I'm attempting to get caught up on this huge backlog of blog belatedness. Today in real life, in real time we are headed to Zurich Switzerland, by way of Chicago and then London. Today is the beginning of the adventure of a lifetime. I think everything up till now has been preparation for the big time journey that we are about to embark upon. We are thru airport security, passports in hand and anticipating what the Alps look like in April. April and the Alps. Just imagine the pictures I'll be taking!!!

These are not Europeans pictured here. These are Illinois-ians. These pictures are the documentation of my travels to Springfield IL to present my literacy workshop in collaboration with my dear Zaner-Bloser friends at the International Reading Association conference. You should see the conference book! It's a veritable who's who of wow!! What an honor to be presenting amidst these dignitaries!! I am always delighted with people who purchase my book(s) before they hear me speak. These gals get the two thumbs up award for supporting their unknown author colleague in literacy. All righty then!!!

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