Sunday, December 5, 2010

Columbus State: Redux

In the ultimate buddy exchange of 'you-scratch-my-back & I'll-scratch-yours' the next day after Hilary hosted my author/book launch party for my benefit, we planned for me to return the favor by my appearance for her evening class of hard-working students at Columbus State. Here's the evidence of the next wave of professionals jumping right into my brand of fun after their long day at work with children.

The return to Grove Street and Columbus State was an internal hurdle only for me -- as it pertains to my quilts. Hilary & I decided together to leave them at home.
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Debbie for all the excitement and joy you brought to class. I appreciate all the encouragement and wonder you filled within me. I have since purchased one of your books, and look forward to owning more in the future.
    Thank you!



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