Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Going, Going, Gone

It's at times like this, that I long to be a poet. A word-smith. More than a dinky tinker-of-the-tongue. Breath taking. Awe inspiring. Affirming. Proof positive of a Creator of epic capability. I pinch myself. I squint my eyes. I breathe in deeply and hold my breath. I turn around three times. I stand on one foot. I giggle internally........ All while taking in this amazing view in an effort to soak it in into my very bones.
Will I remember the majesty in the morning? Will I recall the exact glint of the splashing waves as the sail boat passes? Will the colors of the after glow be on the tip of my fingers? The combination of the clouds with the colors..... It's new every night. This show was worth the price of admission. What? They didn't sell tickets? This was all for a walk to the water.

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