Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Who Has More Fun??

It's April. It's time for my visit to Children's Hospital. It's time to start with my weeee-wonders. You know what that means? SHAKERS. Of course, every single visit includes a rousing version of my shaker song. I just accompany myself on the guitar with the tiniest of tots. The wobblers & toddlers get the fully-orchestrated version from my fourth CD. We go jammin' on the island with our shakers, mon.

I think shakers with babies, or even wobblers & certainly toddlers is the absolutely ultimate in science experiments. It's the definition of a "cause & effect" experience. Hmmmmm. "Nothin' happens till I start shakin' this thing." The feedback is immediate. The feedback is personal. "When I stop movin' this thing, I no longer hear it, I no longer feel the music. Wow. I can make an impact." Start and stop. Begin and end. Up and down. Back and forth. Don't get me started on the impact of my role as conductor and their following of my directions. That's a whole new post. We'll save that for the month of May.

So who has more fun? Me or the kiddies? Does it matter?
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