Tuesday, March 23, 2010


How appropriate. To begin at the beginning. My first 'music lady' visit post-surgery was to Library Square at the Childhood League Center. This site was my first full-time position after my graduation from college. I was hired here in 1979, in the old building around the corner. They've given me three different 'going-away' parties over the years, but I keep coming back for "more." More fun, more singing, more dancing, more signing, more books, more joy, more enthusiasm, more hugs, more laughter, more learning.

It took some creative thinking to help ease me back into the center's routine. In the past it has been our tradition for me to go into each of the six classrooms in the morning and then make a swoop thru the six classrooms a second time in the afternoon...... moving my gear and guitar 12 times thru the course of the day, so as not to disrupt the children's routine. After some discussion with Vicki the program director, we decided to take a step further outside of the box and position me in one central location, combine classes into sets of two and let them come to me. In essence they were taking a 'field trip' within the building. The flexibility of the teachers and staff went a long way in allowing me to focus my minimized energy on the children by reducing energy spent on the schlepping-process. A fun time was had by all. What an encouraging return to my 'life already in progress.' Whoop. Whoop!!!
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1 comment:

  1. These pictures are just priceless!
    You can see the joy and excitement on their little faces:) I know they're so glad to see you back in the saddle...LOL

    Did you get to wear your overalls?? I could only see part of your outfit.


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