Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Physical Therapy Begins

I have started physical therapy to reclaim my range-of-motion since surgery. I want to introduce you to my therapist, Laurel pictured smiling above in the office of the therapy wing, earlier this afternoon. I have reclaimed a frozen shoulder in the past, so in many ways this is a very familiar path. Strangely enough even BEFORE my surgery there was an indication of adhesive encapsillitis rearing it's ugly head again. So having my lymph nodes removed on that same side was a precursor of PT in my future. It will be Laurel's game plan to lead me to the promised land.

Pictures two and three above are to document exactly how long the road ahead is going to be. My left arm can nearly raise totally above my head already. You'll see my right arm is lagging distinctly behind in that race. That shoulder keeps it from going any higher. The third picture probably needs more narration: again, my left arm easily bends and my hand sits easily on my hip. The right arm -- not so much. My right arm has very limited internal & external rotation. It literally will not bend, so as to allow me to put that hand on that hip. So begins the stretching bit by bit, to regain what has been lost, or at least temporarily misplaced.

Oh and the pulley. The pulley is the machine to help me here at home, to get from here to there.

*****Do you notice my new happy green t-shirt? It's a gift from my Loonie Louisiana Lisa. Isn't she the best??

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