Saturday, November 14, 2009

Echoing Hills Camp

Follow the colorful, bouncing balloons, like a scavenger hunt. Seriously set amidst Ohio's rolling hills I found my way to Echoing Hills Camp. The 82 year old clerk of my motel described it's location by telling me it was out in the 'boon-docks.' An apt description. It was so great to get close and find my name on a colorful, welcome sign. Whooohooooo: made it!

Now: Let's get this party started! WE ARE GREAT!! We figured out that it's been about five years since I've worked with the staff of Kno-Ho-Co Head Start. It's time to get reacquainted and introduce my two newest CDs. Hazel Taft has made a lot of friends on her staff, by pre-ordering a CD for everyone in attendance. How's that for planning ahead?

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