Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Monday Morning

The day was very emotional. Seeing children engaged, enthused and particpating is the goal of every person who works with children that have special needs. I'm confident and willing to stand on my head, if necessary to accomplish those goals. I'm always touched to see children over-coming the circumstances of their birth. Even more emotional for all of us today is the fact that this school will be changing their focus in the future, due to the reality of these economic times. It is my understanding that the preschool division will conclude with the end of this school year. We had many heartfelt hugs at the end of the day, as a number of my 'wonderful' peers are now, or will soon be unemployed. I drove home scratching my head, sighing, reflecting and appreciating. Thank you E.S. Weiant program and staff. Best to each of you as you transition to new adventures.
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