Sunday, February 6, 2022

Author-Illustrator Wearable Art Ensemble for Picture Book "Mighty Wings"

 "Begin with the end in mind."

Our new book is born! "Mighty Wings" flies. Our goal from the beginning was to create a scientifically accurate, nonfiction, STEAM extravaganza resource on metamorphosis that could contribute to the conservation of the Monarch butterfly. BOOM!

So here I am yesterday. At McKee Botanical Garden in Vero Beach where I had a 2:30 appointment with Michelle-the-Manager of the gift shop and Amy the coordinator of children's programming. They like it! They like it! Immediately Michelle bought 12 copies outright to go into the gift shop! 

Amy has scheduled me to make my first guest appearance on Wednesday, February 23rd at 11:00. In less than 3 weeks now!!! I will perform "Mighty Wings"  as part of their music series for young children. I will be wearing my author-ensemble that is still under construction as I type. You can see the stage that it was yesterday. Yesterday morning I added the sleeves. 

I want this article to document the progression of my author outfit and allow my mom to see the metamorphosis of this ensemble! She's proud of me. She's proud of us. I started painting the Monarch while I was visiting my parents in Augusta last month. 

Phase one was complete! 

This all got started with a $5 cotton shirt I bought while we were in Key West at the end of last year. I wasn't even able to try it on, but for five dollars I figured it would fit someone. 

I asked FB folks if they thought I should leave it alone or continue on. I bet 85% suggested leaving it as a simple, elegant, sophisticated dress and let the book be the focal point and speak for itself.

But our books hadn't been delivered and I had time on my hands and I started looking through my various little drawers of 'goodies.' Then I got excited!!! I found these little 'crocheted' buttons from a by-gone era. 

It was off-to-the-races! LUPINES! Build blooming button LUPINES! 

And once I got started? I just kept opening drawers and I found fabric yo-yos and buttons and gears left over from the book and and and and I just kept going: 

I got the two different trims added to the hemline -- 

and I just kept going and going and going..... I painted wooden disc circles to represent the caterpillar crawling along: 

and then I hand painted some milkweed: 
and the milkweed blooms were created from pink seed beads gathered together on thread. 

Add the milkweed flowers to the painted milkweed blooms, continue adding the word 'hope' wherever possible, a few more yo-yo's and VOILA: an author/illustrator ensemble! 

Next came the sleeves! 
I cut off the bottom of a dancing dress.

Then the sleeves seemed a little dark,
so I painted in the spots along the edge.

Take a look at how our display has grown, over at McKee Botantical Garden. 

Order your copy of "Mighty Wings: 
on our website: