Tuesday, September 29, 2015

#TeacherFriends Twitter Chat: Making School a Place of Hope!


Another week! Another chat!
This week we welcome a 'power-tweeter' to our spotlight. 
Vicki Davis wears many hats: 
Full time teacher. 
Bearer-of-the-torch for encouragement.  

One of the best things about moderating our weekly chat? 
Getting acquainted with these amazing guests! 

You'll want to go look at Vicki's blog: 
to reach further of her own insights. 

I am especially fond of this particular image from her Instagram feed. 

We are going to dedicate the chat to HOPE

In fact you can plan now for the questions 
and give some thought to your responses. 

*Please schedule in the minute(s) following the question. 
Also: make sure you do the time zone conversion if necessary.

I know that Twitter is not THE social network of choice for many teachers. 
I've had people look at me as though I just landed from another planet, 
when I start with my enthusiasm for the power of Twitter. 

We therefore have learned that some genuine incentive, 
have encouraged the reticent to join us, 
or at least tiptoe into the Twitter waters. 

Tonight's grand prize is from ESGI Software. 
One lucky winner will receive a year's license of the program that has the potential to change your teaching days and therefore teaching life! 

If by some chance you don't *WIN* the ESGI license, 
you are most welcome to use my affiliate code: B1215 
and save $40 from your first year's usage!
{I get a little cha-ching from your subscription and we both benefit!} 

What could be better than a program created for Early Educators, 
than one written and designed by a Kindergarten teacher? 

So tonight is all about HOPE!
Look around for your favorite 'teach/ed/hope' quote. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Buddy Bench + Kindness + Respect + Emotional Intelligence = Golden Rule

Let's build a better world! 

During my two recent author-illustrator school visits in Colorado I saw some great ideas to add to earlier RoundUPs on Kindness, building respect and developing emotional intelligence! 


At our CO-Wonder's school, which just happens to be RIGHT in their own back yard, 
there is a new installation on the edge of the playground. 

The brand new principal had it added. 

The new practice, is that if you are 
'alone, lonesome or without buddies' 
you take a seat on the buddy bench. 
This signals to the kids playing that there is someone seeking friends. 

Our own little first grader reported how effective it is. 
He told us he saw someone sitting there and went right over. 
They then played 'chase' for the rest of recess and he has a new friend! 

Can it be that simple? 

When I posted the photo on Intagram with the hashtag 
there were a TON of clever-clever benches. 
Go to IG if you need some tons of inspiration. 

This is the welcome bulletin board inside the building! 

I LUV to see a 'bucket filler' idea that sparkles! 

HOW COOL IS this Identity Tapestry Array? 

Here are some earlier articles from my blog. 
LUV LUV LUV this one with the Kindness Quilt! 
Go back to see close-ups of the PreK thoughts. 

"Our Kindness Quilt" Preschool Insight into Kindness via RainbowsWithinReach

photo of: Kindness Inspiration, Filling Buckets + Emotional Intelligence RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach


It's time for a RoundUP of oodles of ways to reinforce the positive. 
In my travels around the country as an Author/Illustrator making school visits, 
I have the great-good fortune of observing a variety of 'systems' that teachers are using in their classroom to focus on the positive. 


I hope that you're as inspired as I am. 

photo of: Kindness Inspiration, Filling Buckets + Emotional Intelligence RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach

On our snowbird drive south to our Florida palm trees last week, 
I had a delightful visit at the Seven Hills School in Cincinnati. 

It is clear that they start their focus of these concepts of caring and sharing with their very youngest students. These 'fine motor' exercises were on display in one of their preschool classrooms.
When in doubt? Keep it simple. BE KIND!

photo of: Fine Motor Prompt in Preschool: "Be Kind" (Emotional Intelligence RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

photo of: Fine Motor Prompt in Preschool: "Be Kind" (Emotional Intelligence RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

One entire wall of the classroom was outlined with the prompt: "Be Kind" as painted by each student. These repeated paintings reminded me of when I used to stencil the ceiling border in our living room. 

These next fine motor 'drawing-writings' are from northern OH and are the brilliance of a kindergarten class book on the subject of kindness.
Special thanks to 'Ms. Eddie' for sharing from her treasures. 
The writing prompt is simple: 
"What I can do to be kind." 

photo of: "What I Can Do to be Kind" Kindergarten Class Book (via RainbowsWithinReach)
What I can Do to Be Kind: "I can draw a picture for a friend." 

photo of: Kindergarten Drawing on the Subject of Kindness (Emotional Intelligence RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)
What I can Do to Be Kind: "I can clean my mom's room. I made my Mom's bed. I can put clothes in her drawers." 

photo of: What I Can do to Be Kind: I can set the table for my family. (RoundUP of Kindness Inspiration via RainbowsWithinReach)
What I Can Do to Be Kind: "I can set the table for my family." 

photo of: Emotional Intelligence: Written Acts of Kindness in Kindergarten
photo of: What I Can do to Be Kind: I can set the table for my family. (RoundUP of Kindness Inspiration via RainbowsWithinReach)

While we were still way up north in Wisconsin I had the opportunity to share my books and songs at Southern Door Elementary. School had just barely begun at the time, but Ms. Meacham had her shining buckets already organized on her shelf and ready for implementation once the routines were established. 

photo of: Bucket Filling Station in First Grade via RainbowsWithinReach

Last spring during teacher appreciation week I was up in Michigan with the Taylor School System, making the rounds between their elementary buildings. 
I tell you their doors were ALL decked out! 
This is the door leading to one of their teacher lounge: wow! 

photo of: Classroom Door Decoration for Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week on Teacher's Lounge Door 
Here are some close up views of the droplets which will fill the bucket with KINDNESS! "I would like to thank you......." "Thank you for always............" 

photo of: Fill your Bucket hand written notes of support for Teacher Appreciation Week

Here's a bulletin board created at Main Street Elementary in Clyde, OH on this topic of bucket filling. Of course I LUV anything that incorporates a rainbow! And a three dimensional rainbow is even sweeter!! My two day residency in Clyde was in honor of the lifetime contribution and celebration of the retirement of their beloved principal, Mrs. Peggy... the role model on kindness for everyone!
photo of: Bulletin Board for Being a Bucket Filler
Bucket Filler Bulletin Board in Elementary School 

LUV LUV LUV these next personalized buckets on construction paper. They were on display on the classroom door and walls of the kindergarten room, downtown in Tampa. I was with them right before Thanksgiving last year and they had numerous examples of 'kindness' systems at work in their building. 

photo of: Children's Art for Bucket Filling Project
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? Kindergarten Students Decorate

This wreath idea is from one of the visits I made last year, here in Florida. This was an idea on prominent display at Crosswoods Preschool and used in each of the preschool classrooms. 
An ARK wreath: Act of Random Kindness. 

I learned from the director of the program that the families are instructed to send in bits and bobs of old remnants of ribbon. These are all gathered up and then as kindness is observed the child caught in the act of kindness gets to select their ribbon of choice to be tied onto the wreath frame. As the year goes on, the wreath gets filled with color -- prompting additional acts of compassion and caring. 

Coming up is another image from my Tampa kindergarten visit. 
This is a bulletin board of kindness behind the teacher's desk. 
In this room each child has a labeled bucket that's on a 'library pocket card.' 
Mrs. McClain leaves a little note in the student's bucket with her observations of kindness.
It's all about having a system. This one's a winner! 

photo of: Bucket Filling in Kindergarten: Positive Behavior (Kindness RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

Wait till you see this next anchor chart!!
Is this simply brilliant? 
Recording direct quotes of your student's observations of kindness by their peers in the classroom. 

photo of: Kindergarten Kindness Quotes (RoundUP of Bucket Filling + Kindness Ideas via RainbowsWithinReach)

photo of: Kindergarten Bucket Filling, Positive Behavior Article
Filling a Bucket in Kindergarten: We Make Good Choices
Speaking of bulletin boards...... take a look at this beauty. 
Click back to this earlier post to see the up-close details. 

photo of: Bulletin Board of Classroom Rules, photographs of Positive behavior traits and individual self-portaits

What can you do to help the youngest in their learning to share with others? I saw this timer system with its visual supports at Sutter Park Elementary in Worthington. This was a classroom for children with special needs, but I think it would work equally as well in a typical setting as well. 

Photo of: Sharing Toys: timers to reinforce the concept of sharing
Timer to Encourage Sharing Among Children

This next kitchen counter idea is a photo I took at our very own extended Clement household out in Denver. We're headed there in just a couple of weeks. These are the two oldest boys and their opportunity to earn pompoms for special fun. 

photo of: Kitchen Counter Kindness PomPoms (Kindness RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)


How glorious is this bucket system out in the Denver-area. Here's a teacher with an eye for detail and design. I just LUV LUV LUV how cheerful these look on the wall. 

photo of: Bucket Filling Emotional Intelligence via RainbowsWithinReach

Here's another idea 'from-the-future.' I saw this one in conjunction with Valentine's Day. It's a homework assignment. The parents receive 'empty' construction paper hearts and are asked to fill up 'kindness' observations and return the completed heart to the school. They are been massed on the wall as they arrive back to the teacher. Brilliant!!!

photo of: Acts of Kindness Hearts: Homework (Kindness RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

*****And I just had the thought to ask my blogging friends for their suggestions on this theme. Here's the link to Herding Kats in Kindergarten. Be sure you hop over as she has a printable freebie that you'll want to download for your use on this topic. 
photo of: Filling Our Classroom Bucket from Herding Kats in Kindergarten (via Kindness RoundUP with RainbowsWithinReach)
Classroom Bucket for Filling via Herding Kats in Kindergarten 

***Just this week, Nancy over at Joy of Kindergarten used the bucket filling metaphor with her class. I think her using the stickie-notes to record the ideas is extra fun! 
photo of: Joy of Kindergarten: Fill your Bucket (Kindness RoundUP via RainbowsWithinReach)

***Take a look over at "Kindergarten Faith" to see which book on Dust Bunnies is a favorite of new blogger, Faith as she teaches her class on this topic. She has some insight on making your own craftivity dust bunny.

***Keep on your blog hopping and make a visit to Primary Graffiti to see this post on multi-cultural friendships. 

One way of expressing your appreciation is to pin any (and all) of the images that you have found helpful. Of course it's awesome if you're a Google+ wizard to give that type shout out, too! I'm just learning the ropes at + but I'm aware that it helps with SEO.... so I'm attempting to learn my way around there, too. I really appreciate your support! 

-- Debbie -- 

photo of: Debbie Clement Picture Book Set: Pin-It-To-Win-It @ RainbowsWithinReach