Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year! New Energy! New Chapter! #Younique #Smallbiz

Younique Chapter Begins for Debbie Clement

HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY New Chapter! Happy Younique! 

As I wind up this calendar year and count my many, many blessings I also begin to plan in earnest for the happiness ahead over the next horizon. 

As I type, we are concluding a week long adventure that included some incredible moments of four generation memory making. We are on our way, as I type, to the airport to drop off the #WonderPeeps for their return trek to Ohio. We are so fortunate to have spent time together as a family from across this country and up and down this hemisphere. 

Surrounding my parents {in the middle above} are much of my family and my sister's as well. We had much to celebrate in our time together, but the crowning jewel, quite literally, was the baptism of my grand-niece by my father last Sunday. 

There is quite a story to tell, but this is one of those times when indeed a picture is worth a thousand words. Perhaps ten thousand? More? My dad has performed the baptism for all five of the GREAT grandchildren. This little sweetheart has triple citizenship, as her daddy gives her the US connection, her mommy is from Portugal [gaining English at a phenomenal speed] and she herself was born in Paraguay where Justin is a kindergarten teacher. Got that? 

Look closely at the interaction between father and daughter. Need I type any more? 

I must say that mommy Joana has learned about attire ALL on her own. 
I promise I had no input what-so-ever into her selection of polka-dot dress-wear! 

All too soon we were saying good-bye to the extended family. 
I had just enough wits left to pose these two favorite shots. 

Going through my phone and reliving my favorite moments from the last 10 days. These two amazing women that I get to call daughters? 

Me and my two girls. 

And here's what four generations of "Fiedler-women" look like, 
just before we took off to head further south --
back to home base in FL.
Blink your eyes and there's sand between our toes! 
Our FL week was filled with sunshine and warmth! 
Just like the postcards advertise. 

This year the WonderPeeps were AVID wave players. 
They LUV surfing in "Uncle Randy's Ocean." 
(Known to others as the Atlantic.) 

I took a gazillion Peeps-at-the-Beach photos over our SEVERAL days of sand digging and wave splashing, but the summary above gives you some basic insight. 

Then there's the pajamaz and presents. 
We had one day of gray, clouds, mist and overcast. 
The PERFECT backdrop for a trip to an aquarium and science stop: West Palm here we come. 


We then bounced between beach and pool and pool and beach!
I wonder how many miles they swam during this trip? 

We capped off our time together,

With Captain Grand-dad at the controls and a trusty first mate we went up and down the Indian River taking in the blue skies and rumbling over the wakes of other boats out for a spin. Just enough of a thrill for all aboard. 

It was the nature tour of a lifetime! We saw literally dozens of dolphin careening up and down and often right up close. While parked for a stretch we saw a pod of manatee poking above the water along a recessed lagoon. All of which were awesome. 

Yet the most amazing couple of minutes of the day were seeing a four to five foot 'ray' leap above the water, flip and do a thunderous slam back against the water. The first time it happened it was so startling that I shrieked. Then within a minute it did the leap, flip cavort sequence all over again AND AGAIN! Monumental! 

So that's the back drop from the highlight reel. 

NOW. On to this next new crazy chapter, just barely beginning to unfurl. Our oldest daughter, Sarah has signed up with "Younique"..... the company famous for their two step mascara. Like a duck to water. She is a third generation of women in our family jumping into direct sales.

Take a look for yourself! She's on the road to growth ahead! 

Younique Chapter Begins for Debbie Clement
That's our daughter Sarah and her WonderPeeps as she launches her new home-based business with Younique

In an effort to support her and offer a possible business to others, 

What's a GeeGee that has never owned mascara doing selling it? 
You can read all about my rationale and goals on my company 'about' page.  

Younique Chapter Begins for Debbie Clement

Take a look at Sarah's two eyes and compare for yourself the outcome of the 'traditional' mascara to that of the super charged Younique two step combo pack. 

In the two weeks that I have been with the company, I have already sponsored my own first TWO presenters. These two women have their own goals and plans. I know each of these gals because of my blogging and social networking efforts. 

My first presenter {downline} is Christina Chitwood, with a myriad of talents and capabilities: including professional ice skater, personal trainer and author/speaker! She has already recruited her own first presenter. She's off to the races with her own fast track. I know Christina through her mom Deb, of Montessori fame! I'm using my crystal ball to predict that Deb may one day be a part of our team.

My second 'recruit' is my blogging/twitter friend Maggie of Maggie's Kinder Corner. A talented musician, kindergarten teacher and grandma, she too see the potential! Maggie is now 24 hours into this new adventure with me. My happy company in this crazy new adventure now numbers FOUR! Four women, each setting their own goals to build up the self-esteem of others and build a business in the process. 

Are you looking for a new adventure? 
Do you need some 'play' money or are you looking to expand to build your own enterprise? 

I'd LUV LUV LUV to talk to you about the specifics of joining our little company of four. You're one click away from a whole new adventure! 

Younique Chapter Begins for Debbie Clement

If you're not ready to sign up as a direct sales 'presenter' and just want to get your hands on the goodies, you can always order directly from my Younique site, {{{set up immediately upon signing up with the company. What an amazing benefit for cyber-sales.}}}

I will have this badge in my sidebar moving forward. Just another way that you can support my efforts. Click for mascara or click to join our team! 

Younique with Debbie Clement: Buy Mascara or Build a Business!

We had a chance to play "make over" in between all the beach trips and the departure. 
Here is my untouched 'before and after' picture. 
The one-two combo really does work. 

I can't wait to try it on my own for our New Year's dance!
I'm wearing my Cinderella dress! 
I will be Cinderella indeed! Stay tuned!  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

#TeacherFriends Twitter Chat with DR. JEAN! 12/16 9PM EST

Twitter TeacherFriends Practice Chat with Dr. JEAN!!! to get connected and build a cyber PLN {Professional Learning Network}TONIGHT! TONIGHT! TONIGHT!!! It's Tuesday! It's Twitter Tuesday! 

It's a Tootie-Tah Tuesday! 

Tweet with Dr. Jean, in REAL time! 

Dr. Jean and Debbie Clement together on TwitterChat! 12/16

She's a rock star! 
She's a grandma! 
She has 45 years experience as an educator! 
She's EVERYONE'S favorite mentor! 

I tell you. The woman has a heart of gold. Platinum!

Tonight our weekly 'practice' chat is so excited to have THE Dr. Jean in our spotlight as tonight's #GuestEduCelebrity! She's going to talk about Brain Breaks and will be giving away resources to a couple lucky participants!

I am not even going to tell you the story of how-on-earth I scrambled up the dates on the calendar from the Tuesday that Dr. Jean agreed to guest star and the one that I announced to the public. It would be a long ramble and embarrassing. Let me just suffice to say that Dr. Jean is the MOST.A-MA-ZING.WOMAN.EVER! 

Kind. Gracious and forgiving all in one svelte package! The REAL deal! 

Dr. Jean Quote: Giving Children the Things we DID have Growing UP!Every now and again our path's cross and I learn more from this educational icon! That's a favorite thought from this down-to-Earth Diva. It also applies if you're a grandmother! 

Take a look at how she gets an ENTIRE ballroom of participants up and moving! 

"Learning takes place on your feet not your seat." ~~ Dr. Jean quote

I LUV'd hearing her talk about the classics: playdoh and fine motor! 

"Playing with playdoh is like sending fingers to the gym." ~~ Dr. Jean

I LUV LUV LUV seeing the children's sculptural playdoh creations during my school visits as author/illustrator! Talk about fingers going to the gym!
These are award winning finger-time fun creations! 

"Playing with playdoh is like sending fingers to the gym." ~~ Dr. Jean

Tuesday Twitter Chat 9PM EST Weekly GuestEduCelebrity, Prizes + PLN

TeacherFriends Twitter Calendar of Guests! Moderated by Debbie Clement

Saturday, December 13, 2014

12-13-14 HappyBirthday to ME (by the numbers) Quilted Taggie Blanket

12-13-14! Birthday CELEBRATION with Debbie Clement at RainbowsWithinReach


Who else would be so fortunate as to have a birthday on 12-13-14?
It happens once in a century and today's the day: 
I'm the rainbow girl with the rainbow bird!
This is 'our' painted bunting outside my studio window.
Yes. I talk to him as he eats! 
Spoiler Alert: You must watch the entire minute to see his magnificent head colors.


12*13* 14:Truth be told I have always been something of a numbers person. 
{{{{{Math geek.}}}}} 
AND I have ALWAYS LUV'd Polka-dots!
and I like RIBBON a LOT!

This week while I've been approaching my momentous birthday, I've been thinking daily about just how fortunate I am. How blessed. How very, very grateful I am for this princess-diva life I'm living. For my unique combination of skills, insight and the advantages of longevity. In my gratitude I've been focused on thinking of others. 

So I've taken my ribbon and my polka-dots and set to work.
This is the Christmas present I'm working on for my GRAND niece. 
It's almost done (except for the quilting) a FULL week early!  
Quilted "Taggie" Blanket for Debbie Clement's GRAND Niece Underway

Our grand niece is traveling to the United States for the first time ever(!) from Paraguay! Her daddy, my nephew Justin, teaches kindergarten there. She's just a couple of months old right now, but I can imagine her playing with these taggie-ribbons over the year to come. 

How cool is it that her first initial is "M" and that her last name begins with "W." All week I've entertained myself knowing that which ever way her taggie faces it will be apropos! Since Jusin + Jonna are busy packing I think it safe to share here. In any case, I'm REAL sure that baby girl "M" will be surprised! 

Quilted "Taggie" Blanket for Debbie Clement's GRAND Niece Underway at RainbowsWithinReach

Yes. I took the pink 'fluted' ribbon (that you probably over-looked in the ribbon picture up top) and sewed two different, separate black and white polka dot ribbons into the central pink panel. I can just picture baby piggies 'discovering' that little detail and playing with those little ruffled edges. I know. I am easily entertained. 

Quilted "Taggie" Blanket for Debbie Clement's GRAND Niece Underway at RainbowsWithinReach

The over-sized ric-rack that is available also adds a textural detail for finger-fun. 

Quilted "Taggie" Blanket for Debbie Clement's GRAND Niece Underway at RainbowsWithinReach

And now a quick moment in time for the numbers fan in me. To capture a moment in time on 12-13-14. Not every day that Google wishes me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY in CAKE! 

  • 169,524: The number of followers I have on Pinterest 
  • 54,728: Number of steps I've taken this week according to Pacer 
  • 5,084: The number of followers on my FB fanpage
  • 4,879: In circles of followers on Google+  
  • 4,567: (COOL number on my birthday, get it?) Number of Twitter Tweeps 
  • 2, 219: Super-fun followers on Instagram  
  • 1,158: Links on LinkedIN
  • 737: followers of my Teachers Pay Teachers store 
  • 476: Readers via Bloglovin
  • 113: Songs I've written and recorded
  • 70.21 My Klout score today 
  • 58: Trips around the sun I have taken!!! Eat a cupcake on me! 
  • 31: Number of states I've presented in professionally
  • 22.6: My BMI as of this morning {body mass index}  
  • 20: Years that I have been married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 9: The number of CDs I'm produced
  • 7.75 The number of years I've survived Breast Cancer!!! 
  • 7: The number in our tribe of WonderPeeps {grandchildren} 
  • 6: The number in my family of origin 
  • 3: The number of picture books I've created as author/illustrator, publisher
  • 3: The number of NATIONAL Keynotes I've delivered
  • 2: The number of times I've been diagnosed with Breast Cancer
  • 2: The number of parents who are still cheering me on
  • 1: The number one husband of all times.... Allen
  • 1: The number of times I've been baptized into a life eternal
***What do your numbers have to say about you? I am totally over-da-moon delighted in my FREE "Pacer" app on my phone. I've had it now for nine days. It tracks the number of steps you've taken, your weight and gives you your BMI automatcially (body mass index.) 

Meet Debbie Clement, Author/Illustrator Music Lady

photo of: Debbie Clement of RainbowsWithinReach

MEET DEBBIE CLEMENT: Author and Illustrator, Music Lady

A special word of thanks to you, Kim for allowing me to introduce myself to your readers and encourage early literacy in the process. This is my nineteenth year of bringing more *ARTS* into the lives of children. I am a music lady, having written over 100 original songs for children. PLUS, I have morphed into an 'author/illustrator' by turning three of my songs into the traditional picture book format. I am living the life of my dreams and encourage others to follow in my jet stream and trail blaze their own dreams-into-reality. 

photo of: The Value of "Pretend" in a Young Child
"Diva Debbie" in mom's heels and gloves from an early era

YUP. That's "Little Debbie." It's good to be able to laugh at yourself! I am the hardest working diva, that you've never heard of before! Yes. Yes. I have won national awards. Yes. I travel the country (and the world) sharing my work with educators and parents. And. Yes. I realize. You've never heard of me...... [unless you're a blog stalker or active on Pinterest.] So I'm especially grateful to have the opportunity to introduce my self-published work.  

photo of: Three Picture Books by Debbie Clement of Rainbows Within Reach

My book's text are the lyrics of my songs. To make the bridge between 'singing' and 'reading,' my books include a CD insert of the song inside the cover. The young child first becomes mesmerized with the beat of the music and then quickly joins in with the repetitive lyrics. After a few trips through the song and book combo, the early reader begins to notice that those print hieroglyphics relate to the words being sung. Before you know it the child exclaims, "MOM, I'M READING!" 

photo of: Debbie Clement sings with her WonderBoy (grandson)
GeeGee and my own 'WonderBoy' in Concert Together! 
It is just that joy and burst in confidence that delights me. As a parent, grandparent and teacher-of-teachers, it is that "Aha Moment" when all the dots connect, that a quantum leap of 'academic' progress is made. Let's connect the dots! Let's sing and read. Let's dance and read. Let's sign and read. Let's paint and read. Let's laugh and read. Well. You get the idea! 

photo of: Crossing the Midline: gross motor activities prepare young bodies for future reading

Music is such a powerful tool. I've written about it as a 'motivator' in this article. I've written about how to add choreography to songs and why there is so much significance in 'crossing the midline.' My songs are filled with rhyme and repetition. There is all sorts of documentation about why and how rhyme relates to reading. I took a long hard look at those connections in this "TOP 10 LIST: Importance of Rhyme" that was developed for the Kid Blogger Network -- where Kim and I first met. That list is filled with inspiration for parents (and grandparents) to 'play' with rhyme as the day unfolds. 

Now. Let's take a look at how I translate my songs into picture books.

photo of: "You're Wonderful" Kindergarten Collaborative Quilt Mural on Author-Illustrator School Visit

The illustrations that fill my books are made from fabric as small quilts that I have designed and sewn together. You know that you're on your way, when a school building filled with 330 kindergarten students have responded to your graphic quilts by making a colossal collaboration to welcome you into their midst. This gigantic quilt spanned across their entire gymnasium! It is in response to my first picture book entitled, "You're Wonderful." The former art teacher in me rejoices to see such a spectacle! Here's a YouTube video shot in front of that very backdrop! We're singing my classic song, "Glad I'm at School Today!"

That's my favorite thing. To walk into a new school and see the work that students have created in response to my projects. My second book is entitled "Tall Giraffe" and features amazing photographs of this beloved animal in Africa. The photos are framed by African fabrics that were 'digitally quilted' on the computer. 

photo of: "Tall Giraffe" picture book illustrations, text by Debbie Clement

This whole book is the effort of a 'family project.' My niece took the giraffe photos for me on her mission trip to support children with AIDS in an African orphanage. Her mom/my sister worked at length behind the scenes to help me with the book's layout and design. Then my husband acted as 'publisher' and brought the work all together in finished form. YEAH, team! 

Now take a look at my newest baby. Another labor of love.

photo of: "Red, White and Blue" Picture book Kindergarten Response

My newest picture book "Red, White and Blue" is patriotic, in that I wrote the song in the immediate aftermath of September 11th. It celebrates the American flag and the diversity of our country: in both our geography and our people. It took me years to bring the book format to fruition. (I am a two time survivor of early stage Breast Cancer and that slowed me down considerably.) Imagine my emotions to see this project unfold in kindergarten in response to my work. 

The pieces of the enormous quilt pictured above were ALL made from marble painting on construction paper!!! Carie, the teacher that directed this project is an Army veteran that served active duty in Iraq and now teaches her kindergarteners the importance of respect for the flag. 

photo of: Kindergarten Bulletin Boards in Response to Picture Books by Debbie Clement

Yes. I could go on and on and on. I have five years worth of blogging articles that document the most recent of the past eighteen years since I launched my company. In summary? 

I'm all about bringing the arts into the lives of children. I focus on how we can use the Arts as a springboard to literacy. I'm passionate about process over product. {I've traveled to Europe to sing with the children of our troops stationed abroad. Plus I've had a tour and performances in Reggio Emilia, Italy while there.} I urge teachers and parents to support the creative process. I've dedicated my career to finding ways to support ALL learning styles in every child. I want every individual to know that they are 'wonderful.'

photo of: Debbie Clement Meets Member of her Fanclub  

Collaboration is where it's at! There's power in collaboration. I am the 'editor-in-chief' for the collaborative blog, "PreK+K Sharing." We have 20 authors who contribute regularly from their area of expertise. The links in today's article direct you to this collaborative effort. I am now uploading 'digital versions' of my work for your immediate purchase and download. 

photo of: SKYPE school visit with author/illustrator Debbie Clement

My newest technological adventure is to make Author-Illustrator SKYPE visits! I have already visited 11 different schools by virtue of this amazing and immediate transport. I've gone from the Virgin Islands to California and Maine to Texas visiting via computer projected to large screen. The visits are completely 'do-able' and available for your consideration. I can't wait to see where I get to 'visit' in the coming year! 

photo of: Bulletin Board Welcome for Debbie Clement

By all means follow me on Pinterest! I now have 160,000+ followers of my boards. My pinboard collections are organized around my books, DVD, and songs. I host several collaborative pinboards that are all the rage. As you might expect I have one for "Children's Art" and another for "Writing and Fine Motor" that are especially popular! 

Your creative process as an adult is significant to me as well. I offer my blog as a storehouse of inspiration and motivation for you and your own creativity. I'll conclude with offering you this article for making your own dreams come true. It includes my reflections following my first national keynote address. Dreams really do come to fruition, but they require focus and determination, regular work and patience. Having the support of others as you make progress is pivotal for the journey. I'm appreciative to my fellow bloggers for their continual encouragement and support. 

Debbie works hard to stay connected. Follow her blog RainbowsWithinReach, her collaborative blog PreK+K Sharing, her FB page, her Twitter account, her Instagram efforts, her Google+ and look here for her LinkedIN.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Conversation Linky Fun!

Christmas Conversation Linky Fun

One of the things I LUV about Instagram is getting connected. 

How fun is this "Linky" hosted over at Abby's Inspired Apple? 

Pop over to her amazing blog to link your traditions + favorites. 

Christmas Conversation Linky Fun

I took the image below over to Picmonkey and added my answers!

Christmas Conversation Linky Fun